Elvert Barnes' photos with the keyword: March 2009

09.VisitorsCenterStore.NLEOMF.7D.NW.WDC. 28March20…

08 Feb 2011 639
Visitors Center & Store . National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund (NLEOMF) . 400 7th Street, NW, Washington DC . Saturday afternoon, 28 March 2009 . Elvert Xavier Barnes Photography Visit the NLEOMF Visitors Center & Store at http://www.nleomf.org/memorial/visitors

05.VisitorsCenterStore.NLEOMF.7D.NW.WDC. 28March20…

08 Feb 2011 632
Visitors Center & Store . National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund (NLEOMF) . 400 7th Street, NW, Washington DC . Saturday afternoon, 28 March 2009 . Elvert Xavier Barnes Photography Visit the NLEOMF Visitors Center & Store at http://www.nleomf.org/memorial/visitors

04.VisitorsCenterStore.NLEOMF.7D.NW.WDC. 28March20…

08 Feb 2011 396
Visitors Center & Store . National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund (NLEOMF) . 400 7th Street, NW, Washington DC . Saturday afternoon, 28 March 2009 . Elvert Xavier Barnes Photography Visit the NLEOMF Visitors Center & Store at http://www.nleomf.org/memorial/visitors

03.VisitorsCenterStore.NLEOMF.7D.NW.WDC. 28March20…

08 Feb 2011 379
Visitors Center & Store . National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund (NLEOMF) . 400 7th Street, NW, Washington DC . Saturday afternoon, 28 March 2009 . Elvert Xavier Barnes Photography Visit the NLEOMF Visitors Center & Store at http://www.nleomf.org/memorial/visitors

02.VisitorsCenterStore.NLEOMF.7D.NW.WDC. 28March20…

08 Feb 2011 451
Visitors Center & Store . National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund (NLEOMF) . 400 7th Street, NW, Washington DC . Saturday afternoon, 28 March 2009 . Elvert Xavier Barnes Photography Visit the NLEOMF Visitors Center & Store at http://www.nleomf.org/memorial/visitors

01.VisitorsCenterStore.NLEOMF.7D.NW.WDC. 28March20…

08 Feb 2011 417
Visitors Center & Store . National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund (NLEOMF) . 400 7th Street, NW, Washington DC . Saturday afternoon, 28 March 2009 . Elvert Xavier Barnes Photography Visit the NLEOMF Visitors Center & Store at http://www.nleomf.org/memorial/visitors

10.OyamelCocinaMexicana.7D.NW.WDC.28Marc h2009

08 Feb 2011 428
Oyamel Cocina Mexicana . http://www.oyamel.com . 401 7th Street, NW, Washington DC . Saturday afternoon, 28 March 2009 . Elvert Xavier Barnes Photography

09.OyamelCocinaMexicana.7D.NW.WDC.28Marc h2009

08 Feb 2011 425
Oyamel Cocina Mexicana . http://www.oyamel.com . 401 7th Street, NW, Washington DC . Saturday afternoon, 28 March 2009 . Elvert Xavier Barnes Photography

08.OyamelCocinaMexicana.7D.NW.WDC.28Marc h2009

08 Feb 2011 429
Oyamel Cocina Mexicana . http://www.oyamel.com . 401 7th Street, NW, Washington DC . Saturday afternoon, 28 March 2009 . Elvert Xavier Barnes Photography

07.OyamelCocinaMexicana.7D.NW.WDC.28Marc h2009

08 Feb 2011 1 444
Oyamel Cocina Mexicana . http://www.oyamel.com . 401 7th Street, NW, Washington DC . Saturday afternoon, 28 March 2009 . Elvert Xavier Barnes Photography

06.OyamelCocinaMexicana.7D.NW.WDC.28Marc h2009

08 Feb 2011 421
Oyamel Cocina Mexicana . http://www.oyamel.com . 401 7th Street, NW, Washington DC . Saturday afternoon, 28 March 2009 . Elvert Xavier Barnes Photography

IMG 3439

08 Feb 2011 359
Oyamel Cocina Mexicana . http://www.oyamel.com . 401 7th Street, NW, Washington DC . Saturday afternoon, 28 March 2009 . Elvert Xavier Barnes Photography

03.OyamelCocinaMexicana.7D.NW.WDC.28Marc h2009

08 Feb 2011 400
Oyamel Cocina Mexicana . http://www.oyamel.com . 401 7th Street, NW, Washington DC . Saturday afternoon, 28 March 2009 . Elvert Xavier Barnes Photography

02.OyamelCocinaMexicana.7D.NW.WDC.28Marc h2009

08 Feb 2011 425
Oyamel Cocina Mexicana . http://www.oyamel.com . 401 7th Street, NW, Washington DC . Saturday afternoon, 28 March 2009 . Elvert Xavier Barnes Photography

04.OyamelCocinaMexicana.7D.NW.WDC.28Marc h2009

08 Feb 2011 397
Oyamel Cocina Mexicana . http://www.oyamel.com . 401 7th Street, NW, Washington DC . Saturday afternoon, 28 March 2009 . Elvert Xavier Barnes Photography

01.OyamelCocinaMexicana.7D.NW.WDC.28Marc h2009

08 Feb 2011 441
Oyamel Cocina Mexicana . http://www.oyamel.com . 401 7th Street, NW, Washington DC . Saturday afternoon, 28 March 2009 . Elvert Xavier Barnes Photography

03.PuaNaturally.PennQuarter.NW.WDC.28Mar ch2009

08 Feb 2011 390
Pua Naturally . http://puanaturally.com . Penn Quarter . 7th Street between Indiana Avenue and DC Street, NW, Washington DC . Saturday afternoon, 28 March 2009 . Elvert Xavier Barnes Photography

02.TreeBlossoms.PennQuarter.NW.WDC.28Mar ch2009

08 Feb 2011 383
Tree Blossoms . Penn Quarter . Pennsylvania Avenue at 7th Street, NW, Washington DC . Saturday afternoon, 28 March 2009 . Elvert Xavier Barnes Photography

1745 items in total