Elvert Barnes' photos with the keyword: 2008 Fridays' Photos of the Week - Part 2

HimmarsheeStreet.FortLauderdale.FL.14jul 08

18 Jul 2008 1 831
Himmarshee Street . Fort Lauderdale, FL . Monday afternoon, 14 July 2008 . elvertbarnes-freedom.blogspot.com/2008/07/fridays-photo-of-week-18-july-2008.html . Elvert Xavier Barnes Photography


01 Aug 2008 1334
Nicholas F. Shi Artist Studio . www.nfshi.com . 1500 P Street, NW . WDC . Thursday evening, 31 July 2008 . elvertbarnes-freedom.blogspot.com/2008/08/fridays-photo-of-week-31-august-2008.html . Elvert Xavier Barnes Photography