Adam *'s photos with the keyword: highgate

Sound and science

21 Jun 2011 1 758
At a chemistry demonstration, As the scientist played the violin, the sound waves coming from it caused the liquid in the smaller glass container to change colour. It went almost to a black colour.

Two great British marques

19 Jun 2011 1 761
Rolls and MG

Green liquid

18 Jun 2011 767
Part of a chemistry demonstration at London's Highgate School


27 Apr 2009 3 957
See: (cricket), but don't ask me to explain the game of cricket to you!

Lost sole

24 May 2008 1 906
A visual pun! Highgate School, London

Wall of memory

18 May 2008 2 1 945
Over the years, schoolboys carved their names in these bricks. Highgate School, London

Recherche des temps perdus

18 May 2008 1 691
A former student contemplates the chapel of Highgate School in London