Adam *'s photos with the keyword: library

University Library

04 Dec 2009 5 1 1079
Despite being prohibited, I managed to 'sneak' this photo of the beautiful baroque library in the University of Coimbra.

Chained library

23 Sep 2009 635
One of three surviving chained libraries in England. This one is in Wimborne Minster, Dorset.

Swiss roll

07 Apr 2009 801
The Swiss Cottage Library designed by the architect Basil Spence in the 1960s.

Senate House

03 Mar 2008 1 1 1028
University of London Senate House, near to the northern entrance of the British Museum, London

Red library reflection

01 Feb 2008 946
The red building houses an important library in Bangalore. It can be seen reflected in the window of a mobile library full of books.


19 Nov 2007 593
Pardon the pun.