Adam *'s photos with the keyword: frau

Falun Gong

02 Oct 2011 617
A member of Falun Gong in a demonstration outside the Senate House of the University of Cambridge

Punter and punters

25 Sep 2011 1 1 727
A lady punter takes a group of punters (English slang for 'customers') on a ride along the River Cam in Cambridge.

Those eyes

24 Sep 2011 748
Poster seen in Bangalore's Fraser Town area,


03 Sep 2011 2 796
A café near to New Market, Calcutta

Human sculpture

26 Jun 2011 1 1849
This couple were creating temporary human sculptures on the grass outside the Serpentine Art Gallery in Kensington Gardens, London

Hot work

20 Jan 2011 1 1045
A lady sorts chillies in Bangalore's City Market.

Crabs for sale

20 Sep 2010 4 1267
Roadside salesperson near Agasaim in Goa (India)

Karaoke, ok!

01 Sep 2010 1 827
German karaoke in a restaurant near to Colva Beach, Goa (India)


16 Aug 2010 2 1589
Passengers boarding a ferry at Divar. It will take them to Chorao Island across the waters of the River Mandovi in Goa (India)


08 Aug 2010 4 1712
One of a number of women selling fish every morning near to Our Lady of Merces Church in Colva, Goa (India) En av flera kvinnor som säljer fisk varje morgon i närheten av Our Lady of Merces kyrkan i Colva, Goa (Indien)


03 Aug 2010 4 2 900
A cleaner at the National Gallery of Modern Art in Bangalore, India

Dancing under hoops

04 Jun 2010 901
Pershore, Worcestershire.


17 May 2010 1 894
Guimaraes in Portugal has a number of 'Stations of The Cross' in different parts of the old city. During the day, they are unlocked for the faithful to gaze upon them


02 May 2010 2 785
A street in central Guimaraes, Portugal

Woman and fountain

28 Apr 2010 5 2 971
Braga, Portugal

Controlling hand

11 Jan 2010 1 997
A tram driver in Porto, Portugal

Wave watching

11 Jan 2010 1 826
The Atlantic at Foz do Douro

Thumb and first finger

05 Oct 2009 6 1 1307
Picture of Rama Vaidyanathan taken during a Bharatnatayam performance given by Rama Vaidyanathan at the Bharatiya Vidya Bhava Bhavan on 3 Oct 2009 (London,UK)

21 items in total