Jon Searles' photos with the keyword: works

ex-LNER #4472 "Flying Scotsman," and ex-BR #60009…

07 Nov 2007 641
This is a rescan of an earlier shot that I posted on my own website, as well as Flickr, if I'm not mistaken. I took the original while I was at the Doncaster 150 Celebration, celebrating 150 years of Doncaster Locomotive Works.

Bruckenmeisterei Werkstatt, Berlin, Germany, 2007

05 Sep 2007 558 it is, an active rail facility, Bruckenmeisterei Werkstatt, still in existence in a railyard that's been abandoned for so long that trees are growing through the tracks and the whole place has become a park. I wasn't trespassing when I took this, by the way, but rather I found a crack in the door just barely big enough for my lens, and then I had to crop this before I posted it. That train sitting there, by the way, is an old untergrundbahn, or subway/metro train, and I have no idea what it's doing here.

Bruckenmeisterei Werkstatt Shed Door, Berlin, Germ…

05 Sep 2007 542
Very oddly, the Bruckenmeisterei shed isn't considered part of the park, and is in fact still occupied.

Coal Bunker, Rangierbahnhof Tempelhof, Berlin, Ger…

05 Sep 2007 787
This is the coal bunker at Bruckenmeisterei shed, and very surprisingly it still has coal in it, although indeed everything is surprising in this yard-turned-park.