Jon Searles' photos with the keyword: fuji

Sunset, Rytirska, Prague, CZ, 2006

01 Sep 2007 296
I took this using my old sky filter which I used to hate. This is one of the few situations when it was actually very handy.

Sunset, Stare Radnice, Prague, CZ, 2006

01 Sep 2007 363
I also took this with my sky filter, and was hoping for more shadow detail, but you can't have everything.

Tynsky Chram And The Moon At Dusk, Prague, CZ, 200…

01 Sep 2007 425
This is one of a series of shots I took from the clock tower on the Stare Radnice, or Old Town Hall, in Staromestske Namesti, or Old Town Square, in Prague. As this was one of a series that I shot, expect more soon! :-)

Cross Processing Experiment #1, Karlovo Namesti, P…

01 Sep 2007 442
This shot involves, of course, far more than cross processing. I started with expired Fujichrome Astia 100, shot it with my Lomo 135BC, and then had it cross processed before having it scanned cheaply, and inverting it in Photoshop. I also cranked up the contrast a bit. Normally, of course, cross processing doesn't have effects quite this extreme, though, so I'm assuming that this is a result of the film being expired. The camera also has some minor light leaks, but not as far as I know on this frame. Expired color film does, after all, usually produce pink or red images, regardless of the developer used. Any tips on how I can reproduce, or prevent, this effect in the future would of course be welcome.

Cross Processing Experiment #2, Poster Display On…

01 Sep 2007 459
This was made in a similar fashion to my Karlovo Namesti shot, only with the extremes of contrast and brightness moderated to crank up detail, and the photo converted to black and white in Photoshop. It now could be either a photo, painting, or drawing, which I think is pretty cool. This is actually more or less what I had in mind when I shot it, which is not the case with any of the other photos in this batch.

Anakin Does The Laundry, 2006

01 Sep 2007 426
This may be the crappiest photo I have ever uploaded to Flickr. What do you think? Do you think it's awful, or a masterpiece? I can't decide myself, and I like to use my Flickr account to feel these sorts of things out, so any tips would be welcome. I think with this shot it's as relevant as the other two cross processed, expired film shots of mine to know what produced that amazing magenta cast on it.

Globe Cafe Courtyard, Cross Processed and Photosho…

01 Sep 2007 474
This was from my first roll of cross-processed film (which was, in turn expired Fujichrome Astia 100), and one thing that I discovered right away with it was that it looked good when converted to black and white. In actuality, this was true for the whole roll, as you'll see from some of my other posts. It seems the photos look like antiques, not unlike what you would get if you shot black and white film in a Holga, only perhaps even more extreme. The first thing that comes to my mind are the original Niepce Heliographs from the 1820s.

U Fleku, Cross Processed and Photoshopped, Prague,…

01 Sep 2007 532
This was another shot from my first cross processed Fujichrome that I converted to black and white in Adobe Photoshop. This shot looks almost conventional as a result, kind of like an antique photo.

Very Red Tram, Karlovo Namesti, Prague, CZ, 2006

01 Sep 2007 513
Here's one of my most alternative rail shots of all time. I'm not sure if you'll like it, but I figured I'd give it a try. This is, of course, again from my cross-processed roll of Fujichrome, but this time with the reds cranked up so high in Photoshop that it resembles a painting.

DPP #7076 at I.P. Pavlova, Cross Processed and Pho…

01 Sep 2007 466
This shot was one of the less wild ones from my first cross-processed Fujichrome. The original had a strong Magenta cast, just like the rest, but the more interesting feature was the way in which all electric lights (as on the whole roll), streaked to the right. Originally, I wasn't sure if this was the camera or the cross processing, but I'm now aware that this is the film transport being out of sync with the shutter. If anybody knows how to fix this please help!! It does create the feel of motion, though, even though it wasn't the motion of the tram which created the trails. Also, of course, I'll state the obvious and point out that I converted the photo to black and white.

Staromestske Namesti From Stare Radnice Clock Towe…

01 Sep 2007 368
Until this day (which I think was Sunday, the 3rd of December) I didn't know that the general public could go up in the clock tower on the Stare Radnice. It just seemed incredibly unlikely to me, but in reality many of these towers are open to the public in the Czech Republic, and this one is especially famous. This is, of course, a very Christmas season shot, but in reality more attention was being devoted to the upcoming St. Nicholas Day on the 6th. On the day before St. Nicholas Day, for those who come from countries where it's not celebrated, St. Nicholas (you know, Santa Claus) tours cities in the evening accompanied by an entourage of angels and devils, looking for good and bad kids. It's a night of lots of screaming, fireworks, and the kind of anarchy that is normally reserved in the United States for Halloween or in Britain for Guy Fawkes Night. It's a little crazy, of course, but in this shot it was still a few days away, so they had a stage set up to do folk dancing instead.

Sunset From Stare Radnice Clock Tower, Prague, CZ,…

01 Sep 2007 357
While I was up in the Stare Radnice clock tower, I also took some sunset shots, as it was dusk. I shot this handheld, as I had my Pentax loaded with 800 ISO film.

Sunset From Stare Radnice, Picture 2, Prague, CZ,…

01 Sep 2007 344
This is my second sunset shot from the Stare Radnice shoot, with St. Vitus Cathedral in the background.

Kiosks, Andel (Smichov), Prague, CZ, 2006

01 Sep 2007 360
This shot is one of the few normal-looking shots from my Lomo 135, although even this one has been converted to black and white in Adobe Photoshop 4.0LE.

"Horrible Holesovice???," Nadrazi Holesovice, Hole…

01 Sep 2007 493
This is another black and white conversion from my Fujicolor 100 in my Lomo 135. I saw this scene and thought of how it perfectly represented the Communist ugliness of much of Prague's outskirts, although in honesty American capitalists are at least as good at making suburbs look repulsive. Actually, though, Nadrazi Holesovice, Prague's international train station (it's bus and Metro terminal is in the foreground, dedicated, appropriately, in 1984), is one of the best-run in Prague, and maybe the very best. Although, not being Czech, and can't speak for all Czechs, I do know that people come from other parts of Prague just to make reservations and get railcards here because it's less of a nuisance than at the other Prague stations.

Christmas Decorations Outside Bata, Prague, CZ, 20…

01 Sep 2007 753
Bata is one of the oldest shoe store chains in the Czech Republic, and I think this is their biggest and most important store, on Vaclavske Namesti in Prague (if I'm wrong on these points, someone please let me know). It's getting close to Christmas now, of course, so there are Christmas decorations all up and down Vaclavske Namesti.

Christmas Decorations In Staromestske Namesti, Pra…

01 Sep 2007 446
One of the busiest Christmas setups is in Staromestske Namesti, the Old Town Square of Prague, where a stage has been set up (out of the picture to the right) for folk dancing and music.

Christmas Tree at Kotva, Prague, CZ, 2006

01 Sep 2007 394
Kotva is a large (supposedly Russian-owned) department store near Namesti Republiky in Prague, and they now have Christmas lights all over the whole store. This Christmas tree, off to one side, is in an odd spot, though.

24 items in total