Jon Searles' photos with the keyword: mala strana

Misenska At Sunset, Mala Strana, Prague, CZ, 2007

08 Nov 2007 472
This is Misenska, a historic street in the Mala Strana, or Lesser Quarter, of Prague. At the other end of the street is a Soviet-era street sign in Russian, which gets vandalised whenever anybody tries to fix it from the previous attack. I was there to take a photo of it, but it didn't come out (some other time, I guess).

Hradcany and Mala Strana, Prague, CZ, 2005

01 Sep 2007 469
Here's a view of the Hradcany (castle mound) in Prague from across the River Vltava, which also gives us a look at the Mala Strana, or lesser quarter. The most notable landmarks in this photo other than Prazky Hrad and St. Vitus's Cathedral are the Church of St. Nicholas (on the far left), and if you can see it, one of the towers of the Karluv Most (Charles Bridge), just visible to the left of the Church.

sv. Miklasky Chram (Church of St. Nicholas), Mala…

01 Sep 2007 380
The Church of St. Nicholas is the most notable church in the Mala Strana, or Lesser Quarter, of Prague, although it is overlooked by St. Vitus Cathedral on the Hradcany (not visible here). I took this while I was walking around with my camera and tripod, and realized that I could get an almost perfect night shot here. It is imperfect, however, due to the aura on the lower right, which I expect is a streetlight.

Mala Strana Seen From Cechuv Most, Prague, CZ, 200…

01 Sep 2007 331
Here's a somewhat unusual view of the Mala Strana, seen from the south end of Cechuv Most (Cechuv Bridge). Notice the Petrin watchtower on Petrin Hill, to the left, and of course the Hradcany to the right.

Painted Effect, St. Vitus Cathedral And Mala Stran…

01 Sep 2007 461
When I originally took this, it was a disaster, horribly overexposed, which surprised me for a night shot. Therefore, I tried fixing it in Photoshop, and instead got this interesting painted effect, so I decided to keep it for that reason, rather than because it was a good night shot of Prague.

Hradcany and Manesuv Most, Prague, CZ, 2006

01 Sep 2007 486
This was the most recent of several attempts to get this shot with my Ikoflex. It's obvious that there would be advantages to getting it in medium format, but I had trouble with winding the film too short a distance and overlapping shots, and even this negative isn't perfect since it's dirty and poorly developed. This latter problem is because the lab screwed it up. I hope that you like it, though. :-)

Mala Strana Multiple Exposure, Prague, CZ, 2006

01 Sep 2007 1 326
Here's my Lomo screwing up again, and once again producing a very cool image by so doing. I hope you like it. :-)