Jon Searles' photos with the keyword: dopravni podnik hlavni mesto prahy

DPP #7024, Prasny Most, Prague, CZ, 2007

01 Sep 2007 376
I shot this out of the window of another tram, as we were passing through the Prasny Most stop. What this Ford Focus driver is doing isn't foolish, actually, as notice he's using the same street as we are. 7024 has a red light, and the Focus has the green.

DPP #7150, Obchodni Dum Petriny, Petriny, Prague,…

01 Sep 2007 478
Petriny is one of the suburbs of Prague, in the northwest part of the city. This is the stop before the last one on this line, the last one being Sidliste Petriny, and this one being Obchodni Dum Petriny.

DPP #8368, Obchodni Dum Petriny, Petriny, Prague,…

01 Sep 2007 451
The snowfall which covered Petriny wasn't heavy, but given how warm the winter of 2006-2007 has been, it is a bit of a surprise that we even got this much. The trams make light work of it, as they usually do, having built-in snowplows.

DPP #8658, Andel (Smichov), Prague, CZ, 2007

01 Sep 2007 461
I loved the sunlight on this shot. This was taken at the same Andel tram stop as my earlier shot.

DPP #9111, Approaching Karlovo Namesti, Prague, CZ…

01 Sep 2007 428
Here's the new Skoda 14T out and about again. This was one of the first times I had seen it deal with snow, and it seemed to be doing as well as the other trams.

DPP #8211 Seen From Zelecnicni Most, Prague, CZ, 2…

01 Sep 2007 466
This shot originally had a bad light leak on the left, but I cropped it to square format so now it's alright. This is my only Prague tram photo taken from this location, and one of the few that I have taken from a above.

DPP#s 8223, 8322, and ????, Palackeho Namesti, Pra…

01 Sep 2007 407
This is a variation on the first tram shot that I ever uploaded to Flickr, which some of you will remember. In this shot, though, there are three, instead of two trams. :-)

DPP #8223 and 8322 At Palackeho Namesti, Prague, C…

01 Sep 2007 451
Here's a variation on the DPP#s 8223, 8322, and ???? shot.

DPP #8223 Arriving At Namesti Bratri Synku, Pragu…

01 Sep 2007 407
I saw the compostion of this shot and immediately liked it, so here it is. :-)

DPP #8315 On Palackeho Most, Prague, CZ, 2007

01 Sep 2007 368
I like this shot, too, with the slight blur of motion.

DPP #8420 On Palackeho Most, Prague, CZ, 2007

01 Sep 2007 354
This is one of my favorites, in my opinion one of my most "classic" of tram shots. :-)

DPP #8603 Passing Hotel Beranek, Belehradska, Prag…

01 Sep 2007 468
I just liked the composition on this one, and the lighting. :-)

T3 Tram Leaving Namesti Bratri Synku, Prague, CZ,…

01 Sep 2007 417
This shot is too blurred to identify this tram's number, but it's definitely a Tatra T3 double set.

T3 Tram On Palackeho Most With Hradcany In Backgro…

01 Sep 2007 457
I've seen this shot taken before, not only from here but also from the Most Legii, which actually works better because it's closer to the Hradcany. Unfortunately, the bridge is obscuring the numbers on this Tatra T3 double set.

T3 On Palackeho Most With Hradcany In Background,…

01 Sep 2007 486
Here's a variation on Picture 1 taken a little further back.

T3 On Palackeho Most With Hradcany In Background,…

01 Sep 2007 494
This one's got better clouds, better light, some tram, some bridge, and some castle. What the ...., it's a Lomo of a tram. :-)

T3 Pan Shot, Namesti Bratri Synku, Prague, CZ, 200…

01 Sep 2007 445
This is a so-so pan shot that I took of a T3 in Namesti Bratri Synku. It's not perfect, of course, since the tram itself blurred slightly, and I got a bad light leak down the middle, but it's a Lomo so I figured I'd post it to Flickr to see what people think. :-)

DPP #7045 and 7135 at Narodni Divadlo, Prague, CZ,…

06 Feb 2007 616
This is a great intersection for tram photos! This is my first-ever color tram photo with the Ikoflex! I hope you like it, even if it has the same exposure problems as the other shots on this roll, plus a massive light leak on the right which I had to crop out. See my "Vaclavske Namesti In The Rain" shot for more details of this. For the couple who I inadvertantly caught in the crosswalk, if you contact me and give me your permission I can unblur your faces for you, if you want.

20 items in total