Jon Searles' photos with the keyword: construction

Relax Park and construction site at Pec pod Snezko…

03 Feb 2024 75
I don't know the full story of the construction site on the left, but the buildings on the right are part of the "Relax Park" across the street from Cafe-grill Promenada.

Construction of the New Narodni Trida Metro Statio…

05 Nov 2013 1 1 241
The reconstruction of the Narodni Trida Metro station has dragged on for over two years now, and this was how far it had gotten as of July, 2013. You can vaguely see the tunnel on right, but from the train you don't notice the construction. At the time I took this, the station still looked the same from the train, and indeed trains have continued to operate, albeit without stopping. Since that time, the station interior has been stripped out, and will probably be replaced. The station had accumulated a lot of water damage over the years, and not just from the 2002 flood, so I suppose they wanted to do something about it. Since I took this photo, this project has accelerated dramatically, and now a large building is being constructed over this site, the purpose of which I haven't read about yet. Presumably, the station is close to complete by now.

Tram Track Construction in Andel, Prague, CZ, 2010

04 Aug 2010 1 1 363
This summer has seen massive renovations on the DPP tram tracks. I took this shot in Andel.

Tunel Blanka Construction, Letna, Prague, CZ, 2010

14 Jul 2010 1 1 402
I don't know as much about Tunel Blanka as some people, but honestly, how much do people need to know? The project has been going on for years, turning Hradcanska and the north side of Letna into a dirty, noisy construction site, with blasting going on. The blasting has resulted several times in lethally dangerous cave-ins that have opened giant holes in the ground in random locations in parkland full of tourists and hikers, and even the cut-and-cover method of construction often being used isn't what the city said would be used, resulting in massive disruption beyond what they had promised (even if admittedly it's not as dangerous as the blasting). Then there's the encourage automobile use and the car culture, increasing traffic congestion in the city and diverting business out of it, potentially collapsing the local economy and leaving taxpayers with an astronomical bill for construction. The reason for this? Apparently they think people are ignorant enough to believe that freeways reduce congestion instead of increasing it. You'd think that after Communism people would know better, but apparently the Communists' ideas about urban transport haven't been adequately discredited, even though everywhere freeways have been built, everywhere in the world, they've been catastrophic failures in traffic least until the local economy collapses to such a degree that all the people leave.

Passenger Subway Still Not Open, Cercany, Bohemia…

18 Dec 2009 243
This was yet another, virtually identical photo of Cercany that I took a week or two after the previous shot I posted, with the overground pedestrian walkway still in place. This was the last photo that I got of it before the passenger subway finally opened.

Nadrazi Cercany Before Subway Opening, Cercany, Bo…

16 Dec 2009 218
I took this shot around mid-October, when much of the track construction in Cercany was complete. The passenger subway still wasn't open, though, as you can see from the walkway still in place on the other end of the station building. Incidentally, this is my first shot to go on Flickr which was shot with Ektar.

Tram Station Construction at Nadrazi Hostivar, Pic…

10 Dec 2009 264
Here's one of the ripped out sections. That tunnel at the end leads to a dedicated right of way that helps the trams to get by traffic jams on the streets on the way into the city centre.

Tram Station Construction at Nadrazi Hostivar, Hos…

10 Dec 2009 270
As of my visit, some of the tracks weren't out yet, and DPP's workers were still there in spite of it also being evening.

Old Tram Tracks at Nadrazi Hostivar, Hostivar, Pra…

10 Dec 2009 349
Nadrazi Hostivar is by definition a train station, but adjacent to it is a tram station of the same name. The two aren't directly connected, but if you cross a few streets seperating the stations, you can get there easily. On this particular day, October 2nd, the tracks were all getting ripped out and replaced, and as you can see, the standards are pretty high, as these discarded sections aren't in terrible shape.

Nadrazi Cercany Platform Construction, Cercany, Bo…

03 Aug 2009 260
My record indicate that I took this on May 15th, 2009, when the canopies were up and the concrete for platform itself was about to be poured. This is part of a larger project, seen in many of my other photos, to refurbish and modernise Nadrazi Cercany, along with the rest of the Prague-Ceske Budejovice corridor. It looks like the main station facilities may be moved south, judging from the position of the platform.

Alley in Olomouc, Moravia (CZ), 2008

04 Jun 2009 290
This was another shot I took of the alleyway from earlier, taken after walking through the doorway, showing the buttresses.

Doorway, Olomouc, Moravia (CZ), 2008

04 Jun 2009 251
I unfortunately have forgotten the name of this street, or perhaps alley might be just as good a word, as buttresses cross the street. There was a bit of construction being done on this portal or doorway of sorts.

City Tower Construction, Pankrac, Prague, CZ, 2008

17 May 2009 259
The City Tower also underwent a massive transformation in 2008 from a dormant abandoned Communist-era construction site, to a fully functioning office building with a shopping mall below it. When I took this, they were finally starting to enclose it in glass.

Hlavni Nadrazi Construction, Prague, CZ, 2008

17 May 2009 240
In 2008, Hlavni Nadrazi was undergoing a long and thorough renovation, which was already several months old, and continues as I write this a year later. When I took this, the tracks under the trainshed were being rebuilt, and most of this work is done now, the project having shifted to the station building. In 2007, the trainshed still looked almost steam-era, today it looks almost modern, although many of the historic features, like the trainshed itself, have been retained.

Construction, Picture 3, B&W version, Cardiff, Wal…

06 Jun 2008 515
I did several versions of this shot, and this one, converted to black and white, is my favorite. I wanted to convey the sheer ugliness of the malls currently wrecking Britain and everything of value in Britain.

Hippie Cement Trucks, Namesti I.P Pavlova, Prague,…

04 Dec 2007 1 369
Well....what else would you call them? I don't know if I've ever seen hippy construction workers anywhere.....but Prague, or at the very least, if they were hippies, they didn't take it this far. :-) "At least, well, at least, at least elsewhere they stay undercover....I mean.....they could be a bad influence on...." :-) :-) :-) :-)

Cranes, Pankrac, Prague, CZ, 2007

07 Nov 2007 310
This is another random snapshot from Pankrac in Prague. I thought the cranes looked interesting, at least. This whole lot is now heavily under construction after lying empty for all the time that I've lived in Prague, and since I took this a large building is now under construction on the site, with progress at an advanced stage.

City Tower, Light Leaks, Pankrac, Prague, CZ, 2007

07 Nov 2007 314
The City Tower in Pankrac sat abandoned from 1989 until this year, when someone finally decided to finish it. It was originally a Communist project from the 1980s, but was never completed and to this day remains under construction, even if its future looks much more bright now. Much more on it has been completed since I took this, and in fact most of the windows have now been installed. I took this photo with my leaky Lomo 135BC, hence the light leak on the upper right.

21 items in total