Jon Searles' photos with the keyword: velvia 100f

The Bush Again, 2007

08 Nov 2007 374
Here's the same bush from my weird photo collages, but this is just a regular shot of it taken this March (2007), as it was first starting to bloom for the Spring.

Contrails Over Sidliste Haje, Prague, CZ, 2007

08 Nov 2007 2 436
Here's yet another shot of Sidliste Haje. This is the shopping area by the Metro station, but I'm absolutely addicted to that pair of buildings in the background with the bridge between them and the clock on the right building. I've always thought it was one of the coolest Communist-era buildings in the city, and probably among the most interesting Prague buildings of the second half of the 20th Century. Why? Look at it. :-)

People On Karluv Most, Picture 2, Prague, CZ, 2007

08 Nov 2007 507
I like this Karluv Most shot even better than the one above, I would venture that this is probably my best, second best, or third best Prague shot on Facebook, and now you can see it here. :-)

People On Karluv Most, Prague, CZ, 2007

08 Nov 2007 559
This is one my favorite all-time Prague shots, taken, of course, on the Karluv Most. That's St. Vitus Cathedral and the Hradcany in the distance, of course.

Misenska At Sunset, Mala Strana, Prague, CZ, 2007

08 Nov 2007 471
This is Misenska, a historic street in the Mala Strana, or Lesser Quarter, of Prague. At the other end of the street is a Soviet-era street sign in Russian, which gets vandalised whenever anybody tries to fix it from the previous attack. I was there to take a photo of it, but it didn't come out (some other time, I guess).

Lada 1500 Parked In Sidliste Haje, Prague, CZ, 200…

08 Nov 2007 575
I rarely take car photos anymore, as I hate the car culture, but this is no ordinary automobile, comrade! This is a Lada 1500. :-) :-) :-) I don't know the year, but I know that these were introduced in 1966, and not significantly redesigned until the 1980s.

Nuselsky Most, Picture 2, Nusle, Prague, CZ, 2007

08 Nov 2007 479
This is my first color photo of Nuselsky Most, the tallest bridge in Prague. It doesn't look it, but it's actually both a road and metro bridge, as that spine down the belly of it contains tracks for metro trains. Therefore...Graham! This one's for you. :-)

DPP #8344, Hradcanska, Prague, CZ, 2007

08 Nov 2007 431
Here's DPP #8344 approaching Hradcanska in around Feburary or March of 2007. This shot was underexposed, but it was indeed a gloomy day.

Dark Blue Winter, Picture 2, Sidliste Haje, Prague…

08 Nov 2007 416
Here's another underexposed winter shot, this one taken in Sidliste Haje.

Dark Blue Winter, near Vojenska Nemocnice, Prague,…

08 Nov 2007 423
I like to call this "dark blue winter." It originally wasn't supposed to look like this, but because my light meter gave me an incorrect exposure calculation, it came out underexposed and blue. It was taken near the Vojenska Nemocnice tram stop, not because I normally shoot up there (it's really desolate and I'm not convinced the Czech military want you up there taking photos) but because I was on the tram, saw this shot, and was certain to get off to take it.

Czech This Out, I can magnify!! :-), Hradcanska,…

08 Nov 2007 432
This is a detail shot of my other DPP #8344 shot, showing the exceptional resolution you can get with medium format film (I used my Ikoflex for this one). It would be better if the scanner had been better, but it was a little bit cheesy.

Kavka Long-Distance Bus, Hradcanska, Prague, CZ, 2…

08 Nov 2007 361
I took this at the Hradcanska bus/tram/metro station in Prague. The bus is a Karosa, if I'm not mistaken, but instead of working for DPP it works for Kavka, an intercity carrier. I really like the sky in this shot, which is largely the result of a mistake, as I underexposed this shot pretty badly.

Various Film In My Inventory, February 2007

01 Sep 2007 1 1 413
I took this partly because other people were taking photos of THEIR film back in February. I guess these things go in cycles. Anyway, there's nothing exotic about Velvia, really, but of course Agfa Vista is no longer made, Ilford Pan F is a little hard to find but highly respected, especially among vintage camera users (which is why I have it), and Jessops is virtually unheard of outside of Britain, even if it's very common within Britain.

DPP #7045 and 7135 at Narodni Divadlo, Prague, CZ,…

06 Feb 2007 627
This is a great intersection for tram photos! This is my first-ever color tram photo with the Ikoflex! I hope you like it, even if it has the same exposure problems as the other shots on this roll, plus a massive light leak on the right which I had to crop out. See my "Vaclavske Namesti In The Rain" shot for more details of this. For the couple who I inadvertantly caught in the crosswalk, if you contact me and give me your permission I can unblur your faces for you, if you want.

DPP #7158 At Narodni Divadlo, Prague, CZ, 2007

06 Feb 2007 2 1 658
Here's another shot taken at Narodni Divadlo. Although I didn't notice it until the last second, the police make for a better composition of the photo.

Vaclavske Namesti In The Rain, Prague, CZ, 2007

06 Feb 2007 1 1 602
This is part of a larger experiment with loading my Ikoflex with color film. This roll was badly underexposed, though, because of the shutter having no intermediate settings between 1/100 and 1/300, and of course my lack of skill. I'm wondering if the batteries in my Gossen Polysix lightmeter are a problem, too. I've also got a bit of a blue cast over everything, which I've noticed to a lesser degree with other photos taken with a Zeiss, and I've got vignetting ala Holga or Lomo, although the vignetting is something I've experienced before with underexposed Ikoflex shots. I also had considerable light leaks on this roll, although I doubt this is the camera, as I mishandled the film several times, and we know how 120 is. The issues with the film, I sense, also inhibited the lab from doing a good scan. Any tips on how to get the most out of color in an Ikoflex or other old Zeiss-lensed TLR would be welcome. :-)

DPP #7247 And Another T3 At Ujezd Tram Stop, Pragu…

06 Feb 2007 605
This is over the Most Legii from Narodni Divadlo. The Hladova Zed, or Hunger Wall, can be seen on Petrin Hill in the snow.

DPP #7014 On Most Legii, Prague, CZ, 2007

06 Feb 2007 559
This shot is taken facing the opposite direction from the Narodni Divadlo shots. We're looking towards Ujezd, and the Hladova Zed is visible on the left on Petrin Hill. These photos aren't exactly in order now since I had to repost this one with corrections. I took this one between the Narodni Divadlo shots and the Ujezd shot. :-)