Jon Searles' photos with the keyword: water
Chandelier in Krizovy Pramen, Marianske Lazne, Kar…
27 Mar 2012 |
Here's another, weirder chandelier, that nevertheless could be just as old. This one is over the Krizovy Pramen, or Christ Spring, the spring which is arguably the centrepiece of Marianske Lazne.
Ex-CSD #498.022, the "Albatros" Being Watered at t…
17 Dec 2010 |
Here's the Albatros being watered for its return trip to Praha Branik. This water spout is the one located within the museum grounds, next to the coal bunker. In the lower left corner of this photo you can also see an ashpit, which might double as an inspection pit. It's cramped, though, so probably they would be better off using one in the shops.
Waterspout at Luzna u Rakovnika, Bohemia (CZ), 201…
10 Dec 2010 |
There are actually not one, but three operational water spouts at Luzna, or at least three water spouts that appear to be wet. This is one of two in the yard (plus one in the railway museum), and this one is in better condition than the other.
Tourboat "Andante," Prague, CZ, 2009
29 Jul 2009 |
There was, as usual, a lot of other traffic on the river, mostly tourboats and private boats rather than ferries, though. This was the "Andante,"; a tourboat.
Vysehrad from Ferry "Blanice," Prague, CZ, 2009
29 Jul 2009 |
After we got underway, the main scenic attraction on the way was Vysehrad, seen here.
Ferry "Blanice," Picture 3, Prague, CZ, 2009
29 Jul 2009 |
This was a shot that I took not from the bridge (as in boat control room), but from behind it, as there are windows both in the front and the rear on the "Blanice."
Ferry "Blanice," Picture 2, Prague, CZ, 2009
29 Jul 2009 |
The "Blanice" even had a PID logo on the side, which come to think of it is a bit unusual, as most PID services carry the markings of their constituent operators only.
Ferry "Blanice," Prague, CZ, 2009
Swans and Ducks in the Vltava at Dvorce, Prague, C…
29 Jul 2009 |
While I was waiting for the ferry, I took a large number of duck and swan photos, and even a video or two. This was the one I decided to post.
PID Ferry Sign, Dvorce, Prague, CZ, 2009
29 Jul 2009 |
I took the tram to Dvorce not to get another tram or bus, but actually to take one of the new PID (Prazska Intergrovana Doprava) ferries. These ferries have the same old DPP maps and schedule sheets as the trams, Metro trains, funiculars, and buses, even though they don't run officially under DPP. The DPP passes are, however, valid on them, same as on Ceske Drahy, as CD, DPP, and the ferries are what make up PID.
Dvorce Weigh Station, Dvorce, Prague, CZ, 2009
29 Jul 2009 |
This is the old Dvorce weigh station, or so I'm told. it isn't actually for weighing trams or trucks, but actually for weighing boats. How it works, however, is unclear to me, as there doesn't appear to be a lock to put the boat in.
ex-CSD #498.022 Injector, Nadrazi Branik, Branik,…
10 Sep 2007 |
This is was an injector looks like in the Czech Republic. :-) This one was made in Brno, as you can see stamped on it, although I don't know if SBS is a manufacturer or a model of injector.
Water Spout, Rangierbahnhof Tempelhof, Berlin, Ger…
05 Sep 2007 |
This is the waterspout at Bruckenmeisterei shed, pretty well intact, from the look of it, although I doubt that there's any water left in the tower posted earlier.
Water Tower, Rangierbahnhof Tempelhof, Berlin, Ger…
05 Sep 2007 |
This is the water tower at Rangierbahnhof Tempelhof, or Bruckenmeisterei, if you will. This was where I found the Bruckenmeisterei signs, on the former yard office, which is now occupied, appropriately enough, by the offices of the park's management.
Official Water Of The Utica Boilermaker, 2007
01 Sep 2007 |
This is the official, as opposed to the unofficial, water of the Boilermaker 15K road race. Right....
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