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Updated on: 02 Jul 2019.

Barcelona, album created on 20 Jun 2016

14 items in total.

Berlin, album created on 31 Dec 2014

8 items in total.

London, album created on 11 Oct 2014

12 items in total.

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A Wintry Xmas But Grey Not White - 6 years ago

Just before Xmas Eve the South wind blows a gale right outside our window. Big storms are forecast for England across the North Sea, but slightly more moderate weather predicted here in the Lowlands. On Sunday, I went down to Rotterdam by train and walked three miles to the old docklands. Through the bustling city centre and across the huge Erasmus Bridge. Erasmus, that giant of Renaissance and Reformative thought, but Catholic to the end, is much respected and honoured in Rotterdam. The b…

  • Living in Leiden

    - 09 Oct 2018
    We lived in Leiden for a year and started to understand a little of the history of that non-conformist city. Historically a site of tolerance and diversity, from whence the “Founding Fathers” sailed to establish their version of freedom in America. There are several monuments to and reminders of the Mayflower connection at various points around the city, including the ruins of the Vrouwekerk (Our Lady’s Church) where children now play and locals meet for a quiet evening drink. Leiden occupi…

About Tigerulze

Place of residence: Australia

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