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Updated on: 31 Jan 2025.

Key Line, album created on 18 Dec 2024

18 items in total.

Pedal power, album created on 09 Oct 2024

I had to add an extra album for bicycles. I had one within the Sports folder, but there are bikes that are not likely to be used for sporting purposes. Some bikes may end up in both albums, some only in this one.

Eastbourne schools art at the station, album created on 21 Sep 2024

The artworks in this album were photographed hanging from the ceiling of the town's railway station concourse. The lighting was tricky, so some degree of Photoshop enhancement was necessary to try to recreate the high quality of the pupils artwork. Impressive work I think.

About Phil Sutters


GrahamH Gary Schotel John FitzGerald José Manuel Polo StoneRoad2013 Peggy C Amelia Roger (Grisly) Andreas Boettcher Loose_Grip/Pete sea-herdorf Denis Croissant HelenaPF Ernest CH PascalL PaulOfHorsham Mecklenburg-Foto (Reinhard L.) Alass Blue rubber octopus Dutt Changgle Bruno Suignard Michelle Chouchou Gabi Lombardo Stephan Fey Berny Gisela Plewe * Didier 85 * Robert Swanson

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Latest comments - All (39)
 Malik Raoulda
Malik Raoulda club
Merci beaucoup phil de nous avoir rejoint au groupe Skyscapes/Beauté du ciel. C'est un plaisir de vous compter parmi nous.
Bonne semaine salutaire.
2 years ago.
 Phil Sutters
Phil Sutters club
Thank you Jakvo
4 years ago. Edited 4 years ago.
I like your pictures!
4 years ago.
 Ernest CH
Ernest CH club
Hello Phil , thank you for your visit. Sorry I am very often "absent", very busy with problems of my wife (physically disabled) so if you would send me the picture of that ship with a brighter one - thank you in advance
5 years ago.
 José Manuel Polo
José Manuel Polo club
Gracias Phil, ya veo que me añades inmediatamente. Te deseo Feliz Año Nuevo.
6 years ago.

Want to write a little note as well?