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Roger (Grisly) Fred Fouarge Annemarie Team Ko Hummel Tanja - Loughcrew * ઇઉ * aNNa schramm Xata homaris Heidiho Ria V. William Sutherland Narvik 08 Sylvain Wiart John FitzGerald Boarischa Krautmo Ulrich John raingirl Ch'an Keith Burton .t.a.o.n. Tan Tee Huah Taormina Christina Sonnenschein beverley Gudrun Dida From Augsburg

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Latest comments - All (144)
There is no specific reason for any group that I left - I am cleaning up my ipernity trails. In fact that is due since years because I am neither active as admin nor group member.
6 days ago.
Wolfgang club
I feel so much sorry that you leave opur group "Travel Photography" without telling your reason. Yuo post so nice photos. Greetings Wolfgang from Bangkok
6 days ago.
Lieben Dank.
13 days ago.
 aNNa schramm
aNNa schramm club
Du hast ein wunderbare Galerie ***
13 days ago.
Hallo töm,

schade daß Du hier nicht's mehr von Dir
sehen/hören lässt...

Alles Gute zum Geburtstag und
nur das Beste für Dich!
7 years ago.

Want to write a little note as well?