Latest photos

Updated on: 26 Oct 2013.

Selected Works - Colourful, album created on 14 Nov 2010

A selection of pictures with colour as a dominant component, sorted according to different subjects. Best watched as a slide show

Selected Works B&W / Monochrome, album created on 21 Aug 2010

A selection of Pictures in B&W manly toned or monochrome sorted according to different subjects. Best watched as a slide show

People, somewhere, album created on 23 May 2010

People around the world in their leisure, their daily life, festivals, feasts and other situations

latest article

Austerity in my account - 10 years ago

I decided to shrink my account form 1700something pictures to 140 as I got the notification from Ipernity telling me that only my last 200 pictures shall be visible if I do not join the club. I very well understand why Ipernity is doing this (like Flickr as well), but on the other hand I am participating very sporadically here in the last few years and it does not make sense to pay for a subscription. It was painful to delete the around 1550 pictures and songs since many of these contained mem…

  • One Life Photos 2011 Competition

    - 17 Jul 2011
    Originally I wanted to participate with other pictures that represent more my style.Then I had to watch the tragic events taking place in my home-country Syria and Syrian Army rolling into towns with tanks in order to repress the people's peaceful freedom uprising. I remembered the children of whom I took pictures during a journey with my family and friends at historical sites in the Governorate of Idlib in March 2008. The home region of these children is now under massive attack of army…

  • Impressionist Camera: Pictorial Photography in Europe, 1888-1918

    - 30 Aug 2009
    This the title of the book I am reading now. Here is a link to the publisher's page: I always admired impressionism as a school of art and I did not know that photography had such a movement and that it was struggling so early to acquire the title of art. It is fascinating what these artists were able to do using the Gum Bichromate and Oil Transfer methods. I firs knew about these methods by reading about the work of Franti…

About KliX

149 067 visits

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Sweetlife Lebojo Duncan CruisAir Shen ypell Jason Elkins Lea d'ipernity


Latest comments - All (12)
 Jason Elkins
Jason Elkins
Hello KliX, Thank you for kind visit, and you are more than welcome! I look forward and am hopeful of some real positive change in the coming future for those in revolution, all the best and i hope they know there are so many world wide rooting and wishing for nothing but the best for their struggle.
13 years ago.
You are welcome Akbar.
14 years ago.
Ich wünsche dir eine wunderschöne woche. Herzliche grüsse aus Osorno Erica
15 years ago.
KliX has replied to Stefano
benvenuto e grazie :-)
15 years ago.
tornerò presto per una visita , ....
15 years ago.

Want to write a little note as well?