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Updated on: 07 Jan 2024.

Shida Kartli შიდა ქართლი, album created on 23 Nov 2023

Shida Kartli is known for its rich history and cultural heritage, with various historical and archaeological sites throughout the region. The name "Shida Kartli" in English translates as "Inner Kartli," and the term "Kartli" itself derives from Proto-Kartvelian root *kart- ("Georgian"), which is considered an ancient inner-Kartvelian formation by modern linguists. It is a landlocked administrative region in eastern Georgia, occupying a central part of the historical-geographic province of the s…

Tbilisi თბილისი, album created on 28 Oct 2023

5 items in total.

Svaneti სვანეთი, album created on 08 Oct 2023

Svaneti is a historic province in the northwestern part of Georgia, located on the southern slopes of the Caucasus Range. It is inhabited by the Svans, an ethnic subgroup of Georgians. The region is known for its breathtaking mountain ranges, medieval watchtowers, and traditional Svan villages. Svaneti offers a unique experience for travelers seeking adventure and nature. The region has two parts corresponding to two inhabited valleys: Upper Svaneti (Zemo Svaneti) on the upper Inguri River and L…

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Annemarie Günter Klaus Anton Cruz Carro Tanja - Loughcrew Marije Aguillo Karl Hartwig Schütz Berny Roger (Grisly) Doug Shepherd Diana Australis Luis Miguel Ernest CH John Sheldon aNNa schramm Wierd Folkersma Karin G. Nouchetdu38 LutzP Reyk Bergfex Team William Sutherland Volker Schwarz ROL/Photo Günter Diel homaris The Limbo Connection Anto & Pier

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Latest comments - All (34)
Annemarie club
Happy Sunday. Peace
13 months ago.
xenophora club
:) Hello, and thank you for the visit. I appreciate your interest in my work.
2 years ago.
Annemarie club
happy days my friend
2 years ago.
Annemarie club
2 years ago.
Annemarie club
2 years ago.

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