Latest photos

Updated on: 30 Aug 2023.

Sometimes I Wish, album created on 25 May 2022

7 items in total.

rock'n stones, album created on 02 Jan 2020

As a retiree PhD Geologist I have an affinity to the aesthetics of rocks and stones beyond scientifics. I remember a zen koan like this: first there is a mountain later on there is knowledge - rocks and stones no more mountain - finally there is !

trekking highlights, album created on 13 Apr 2020

Dorothee and myself walk around together since 1973. Later on we organized outdoor coaching and group trekkings under the label „dialogging“. Since 2011 we practice regional CO2-friendly walking tours and travelling.

latest article

PEN F rangefinder feeling and downsizing - 4 years ago

I chose the form factor of the Olympus Pen F body due to my years of owning and using my father's rangefinder Leica M3 and later my own M6. After 10 digital years with the m43 camera system, I realize how familiar a system becomes. My Pen F is like walking around with different films in older times. I no longer shoot raw, for me the Olympus jpeg output is perfect - when I take time and slow down. Pen F offers all the latest imaging technology, you better read elsewhere. Here I introduce my subj…

  • Photosophy

    - 11 May 2020
    Photosophy by Ern Jacoby PhD The year 2000 was a turning point for me as a photographer. I hold a little gem of my deceased father in my hands, a Leica M3. And since I develop my skill, the concept "photosophy" expresses best the linking of visual imagery with philosophy: The art of light and the research of wisdom, combined as photo-sophia or photo-sophy. The speed of light in vacuum is the universal physical constant, postulated as invariance by Einstein in 1905. Light or photons move…

  • Quantum dialogue - incognito ergo sum!

    - 30 Apr 2020
    Quantum dialogue - incognito ergo sum! (c) by Ern Jacoby PhD Not being a good speaker generally results in not to be. Thousands and thousands of men and women worldwide communicate. When you ask them, they reply, yes, we had a good talk. This is understandable: to survive in life, and possibly be successful, a rather complete conviction must exist about the own presence as a human being. Since my early years I found discussions a rather confusing business. A lot of it is speculative, ab…

About Ern Jacoby


HelenaPF StoneRoad2013 Adele Malik Raoulda Frans Schols Günter Klaus Xata Léopold aNNa schramm Petar Bojić Christa1004 Marije Aguillo Makrofan Jaap van 't Veen Nouchetdu38 Jean-Paul homaris Janet Brien raingirl Team Eva Lewitus Saj Henderson Anton Cruz Carro Fred Fouarge Heidiho Lebojo Berny Annemarie

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Latest comments - All (14)
Annemarie club
thanks for your goodwishes

wish you also ALL the BEST!
4 years ago.
Annemarie club
Wish you a serene Sunday evening.
4 years ago.
Heidiho club
Was seh ich denn hier ? - Stühle !
Na, da bin ich ja dabei !
Dankeschön für die Kontaktaufnahme.
Man sieht sich !
4 years ago. Edited 4 years ago.
Du scheinst mir ein lustiger Zeitgenosse zu sein. Vor allem auch wegen den Badeschlappen, die viele deiner Bilder zieren. LG
4 years ago.
Annemarie club
Thanks for adding me as contact:)
4 years ago.

Want to write a little note as well?