Latest photos

Updated on: 16 Nov 2024.

sophie (and friends!), album created on 26 Jul 2018

283 items in total.

random objects, album created on 13 Apr 2014

48 items in total.

100: B&W, album created on 09 May 2014

For the 100x2014 group. I used to do a lot of B&W back in the Days of Film, didn't realize how much I missed it until it came up as a TSC theme...

About dsglass


homaris Heidiho Narvik 08 Petar Bojić aNNa schramm PhLB - Luc Boonen Paolo Tanino Bruno Suignard Aschi "Freestone" Thérèse Gisela Plewe My Awake Gottica (m.a.g) jd weiss Sami Serola (inactive) Valfal Annalia S. ColRam Shuttering Yukon Graham Hughes Veterok Elena M Rob Jan Andy Rodker Tere79 Sa David Lloyd Clickity Click


Latest comments - All (8)
 aNNa schramm
aNNa schramm club
Your galery is wonderful, I'll come back :-))
greetings aNNa*
6 years ago.
 Nacer H
Nacer H
Merci pour la visite et les étoiles, salutations d'Algerie !!
7 years ago.
 Dominique-Lucy Renson
Dominique-Lucy Renso… club
so much beauty here ... i'll be back soon
10 years ago.
Wonderful albums and photography. See you later in group.
10 years ago.
Valfal club
Thank you for all your visits and comments this past year. You have been such an encouragement to me! Happy New Year :)
10 years ago.

Want to write a little note as well?