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Updated on: 09 Jan 2017.

Los Angles County, California, album created on 27 May 2013

7 items in total.

Nikon D750, album created on 11 May 2015

6 items in total.

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flickr URL hints - 10 years ago

open a photo stream add /show to the URL and get the old slideshow open at set 00930 add show to the URL and get the old slideshow 00930/show open at set 00930 add detail to the URL to get detailed information and editing options it it is you…

  • Adding pop-up images to notes on your ipernity photos

    - 16 Jun 2013
    The other day while browsing photos on ipernity I noticed a photo that had notes which when I hovered over them with the mouse an image would pop up, like on this one . So I decided to try a few things and figured out how to do it. Here is the recipe. On the image you would like to pop-up and add a link to go to more options and select View all sizes . Now choose the size of the image you want to pop up, 800 is a good starting place. Below the image you will see a link Post this p…

About Chris Grossman

121 882 visits

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Frode zumishi Scott Holcomb Annemarie Chrissy Sylvain Wiart slgwv Wim Hoppenbrouwers Bédé Jorge Lizárraga Maï Mikeinlagardette


Latest comments - All (7)
 B C
GR8 stuff you got here, keep it coming.
11 years ago.
Frode club
Thanks for the visit and faves !
11 years ago.
 Ulrich Dinges
Ulrich Dinges club
Hallo Chris
ich werfe ein Auge (oder zwei) auf deinen Straem
ich werfe ein Auge drauf / I throw an eye on it
11 years ago.
 Wim Hoppenbrouwers
Wim Hoppenbrouwers
Hallo Chris! Greetings Wim
11 years ago.
 Chris Grossman
Chris Grossman
And you too as well Jorge.
11 years ago.

Want to write a little note as well?