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Updated on: 19 May 2024.

Ma's Mazola, album created on 02 Oct 2023

The title is just a play on words. I don't remember what brand of cooking oil, if any, my Mom felt loyalty towards. Images from the 1930s to the 1950s.

Time For Ice Cream & More!, album created on 11 Jun 2023

Cake, pie, and baked meringue are optional. From the 1940s to the 60s.

Beer Garden, album created on 14 Aug 2022

It was time for these youngsters to break off and have an album to themselves. Foamy goodness from the 1930s to the 1950s.

About amylsacks

Place of residence: United States

Member of the club since 2018 95 490 visits

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Smiley Derleth raingirl Deborah Lundbech StoneRoad2013 Fred Fouarge Alan Mays Kicha


amylsacks club
Thanks, Katja. :) Greetings from soggy, overcast Portland, Oregon. :D
6 years ago.
Danke und viele Grüße aus dem schönen Frankfurt am Main
6 years ago.
amylsacks club
Thanks, Smiley. I love seeing that people are enjoying the images. :)
6 years ago.
 Smiley Derleth
Smiley Derleth club
I appreciate your page. Such wonderful stuff!
6 years ago.

Want to write a little note as well?