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Updated on: 18 Dec 2024.

Österreich_Landschaften, album created on 11 Aug 2024

View from the Schafberg View from the Schafberg

10 items in total.

About Hannes Gamse


Annemarie Jaap van 't Veen Günter Klaus Fred Fouarge Karl Hartwig Schütz Xata Jean-Paul Luis Miguel Guido Werner aNNa schramm Ria V. @ngélique ❤️ Jocelyne Villoing homaris Elbertinum trester88 José Manuel Polo Chris Bowness sea-herdorf Leon_Vienna uwschu Patrick Brandy StoneRoad2013 Bruno Suignard Denis Croissant Robert Swanson


Latest comments - All (11)
 Cheryl Kelly (cher12861 on flickr)
Cheryl Kelly (cher12… club
Welcome to Ipernity!
6 weeks ago.
Annemarie club
Thanks for adding me as contact:)
2 months ago.
Jean-Paul club
Hallo Hannes, Danke für deinen Besuch und willkommen hier bei Ipernity!
2 months ago.
Pearl club
Bienvenue sur Ipernity. J'espère que vous vous plairez parmi nous.
3 months ago.
Leon_Vienna club
Herzlich willkommen und schöne Grüße aus der Nachbarschaft.
3 months ago.

Want to write a little note as well?