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Updated on: 26 Jul 2019.

Austria, album created on 02 Dec 2024

5 items in total.

West Cumbria video

Workington video - See all videos

About Wild Rose


Doug Shepherd cammino Alexander Prolygin DOMCHO Ulrich John Herb Riddle Jaap van 't Veen TOZ Mireille Marignac-Vinais Giorgio Bree Andreas Boettcher Phil Sutters Ulrich G Karl Hartwig Schütz Mark1965 appo-fam Roger (Grisly) Old Sea Dog William (Bill) Armstrong trester88 WiePet Old Owl Berny Denis Ve Bergfex Team E. Adam G. SV1XV

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Vi havas belajn fotojn. Mi ŝatas ĝin ĉiuj.
4 years ago.
 Saluton al ciuj...! Les pages de Danilo
Saluton al ciuj...!…

Bpnan tagon ...!
5 years ago.
 Wild Rose
Wild Rose club
Hi thanks for joining me
5 years ago.
 Maria Lovasz
Maria Lovasz
Greetings from Hungary
5 years ago.
Elbertinum club
Herzliche Grüße aus der schönen Sächsischen Schweiz bei Pirna
5 years ago.

Want to write a little note as well?