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Updated on: 03 Mar 2021.

Fleurs, album created on 16 Apr 2016

7 items in total.

Martinique, album created on 03 Apr 2016

8 items in total.

À Dieppe, album created on 25 Jan 2016

5 items in total.

About Cécile2016

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Malik Raoulda Elbertinum Gary Schotel William Sutherland Nicole Merdrignac Andreas Boettcher Jocelyne Villoing RHH Nouchetdu38 Fred Fouarge Bruno Suignard Thérèse Don Sutherland Le rêveur de Léon Régel Zulma Eliana Verona Ghislaine Girardot Danielle Istvan Farkas Tere79 Sa Jeff Farley Patrice Leydier


 Malik Raoulda
Malik Raoulda club
Merci pour votre aimable visite si appreciée... Agréable journée.
4 years ago.
Elbertinum club
Salutations de Pirna a cote de Dresden -
et de la 'Elbe' al al 'Seine'
7 years ago. Edited 7 years ago.
 Eliana Verona
Eliana Verona
Obrigada por sua adorável visita e suas amáveis palavras, em português perfeito, Cécile! Adoro visitar sua maravilhosa galeria. Tenha uma linda semana! :)
8 years ago.
RHH club
Thank you for the kind note, Cecile. I appreciate very much the opportunities to visit your photostream and learn from your excellent photography.
8 years ago.