Live testing
Set permissions for a document.
- This method call must be authenticated and signed.
- This method requires "write" permission on docs.
∗ | Your api_key. |
∗ | The ID of the document you wish to set permissions for. |
Set to 1 to flag this document as public, 0 to make it private. | |
Set to 1 to flag this document as family. | |
Set to 1 to flag this document as friend. | |
Set the privacy level with one parameter. Values are :
is_public , is_family and is_friend flags are ignored.
The new permissions to comment on the document :
The new permissions to add a tag on the document :
The new permissions to let a member add his personal member tag on the document :
At least one of the required parameters is needed. When setting the document privacy the three parameters is_public, is_friend, is_family are required - or use share.
This method only returns a status and a possible error code.
Error codes
1 | The document ID is invalid or insufficient permissions to view this doc. | |
2 | One or many required arguments were not sent or have an invalid value. | |
100 | Please add the api_key parameter to this request. | |
101 | This API key is invalid or disabled. | |
102 | The requested format is invalid. Valid formats are : json, xml, php. | |
103 | The requested method is invalid or missing. | |
104 | The query signature is missing. | |
105 | The query signature is invalid. | |
106 | User is not logged. The authentication token is missing. | |
107 | The authentication token is invalid. | |
108 | The user account is closed or suspended. | |
109 | This action is blocked because of a member or a group blocklist restriction | |
110 | Insufficient permissions for this method. | |
111 | The request came from a remote address not allowed by this application. | |
112 | The application has reached its requests quota. | |
113 | The client IP has reached a limit. Limits are based on requests per seconds, minutes, hours, ... | |
120 | This API method must be called using HTTP POST. | |
121 | The SOAP envelope could not be parsed. | |
122 | The XML-RPC envelope could not be parsed. | |
130 | We only support OAuth version 1.1 and 1.1a | |
131 | Some of the OAuth parameters were not sent: %s% | |
132 | The timestamp sent is out of ranges. Please check your computer clock is not skewed. | |
133 | The OAuth Nonce parameter cannot be used twice. | |
134 | The OAuth Timestamp parameter is out of ranges (clock skew) or inferior to the previous timestamp sent. | |
135 | The OAuth Signature must be either MD5, HMAC_SHA1 or PLAINTEXT over HTTPS. | |
500 | Service general error. | |
501 | Service under temporarily maintenance. Thank you for your kind understanding. | |
503 | The service is temporarily unavailable. Please try again in a few minutes. |
- 2008-12-01: Method created.
See also
- album.getVisitors
- doc.albums.add
- doc.checkMD5
- doc.comments.add
- doc.comments.delete
- doc.comments.edit
- doc.comments.get
- doc.comments.getList
- doc.comments.reply
- doc.delete
- doc.get
- doc.getContainers
- doc.getContext
- doc.getExif
- doc.getFaves
- doc.getList
- doc.getMedias
- doc.getPerms
- doc.getVisitors
- doc.notes.add
- doc.notes.delete
- doc.notes.edit
- doc.set
- doc.setGeo
- doc.setLicense
- doc.setSafety
- doc.tags.add
- doc.tags.edit
- doc.tags.getList
- doc.tags.remove
- group.get
- post.getVisitors
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