API documentation

← Towards the developers space

Write your API kit

A kit is a set of functions easing the API use. Some kits propose basic functions, others may be more specific.


You will find below the basics to create your own API kit. Codes samples are proposed in PHP and rely on the functions you'll find in the PHP kit Iper_API.

Low level functions


Define the useful parameters, such as api_key, secret, format, and the api_url and auth_url URLs.

class Iper_API {

 var $_conf = array(
		 'api_key' => '',
		 'secret' => '',
		 'api_url' => 'https://api.ipernity.com/api',
		 'auth_url' => 'https://www.ipernity.com/apps/authorize',
		 'format' => 'json'

 var $_error_code = 0;
 var $_error_msg = '';


Signature function

Write a function to sign parameters. Inputs are:

  • $method (str) : the called method.
  • $params (arr) : the parameters array.
  • The md5 of the string to be signed.
private function signParams($method,$params) {
 $keys = array_keys($params);
 foreach($keys as $k) { $sig.=$k.$params[$k]; }
 return md5($sig);

Query string building function

This function builds an URL-encoded QueryString from a parameters array. There is a ready-to-use PHP similar function: http_build_query.

  • $params (arr) : the parameters array.
  • The query string.
private function buildQueryString($params) {
 foreach($params as $k=>$v) $query[]=$k.'='.urlencode($v);
 return implode('&',$query);

API request function

This is the most important function. It handles the API requests and returns eventual errors. Here is what this function does:

  1. Add api_key to parameters,
  2. Sign your request,
  3. Create the API call URL,
  4. Make an HTTP call to the API,
  5. Analyze the response,
  6. Return the result or an error.


  • $method (str) : the called method.
  • $params (arr) : the parameters array.


  • The response (format is the one specified in the settings.)
  • Or, false if the request failed.

public function request($method, $params=array()) {

 // add the api_key


 // sign the request (optional)

 $params['api_sig'] = $this->_signParams($method,$params);

 // build API url

 $url = $this->_conf['api_url'].'/'.$method.'/'.$this->_conf['format'];

 // request the URL (using curl)

 curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
 curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $params);
 curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
 curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HEADER,0);
 curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,1);

 // save the result


 // save curl infos


 // analyse network errors

 if ( curl_errno($curl) )
 $this->_error_code = 0;
 $this->_error_msg = curl_error($curl);
 return false;

 // parse the response (JSON example)

 $response = json_decode($data,true);

 if ( is_array($response) && isset($o['api']['status']) )
 if ( $response['api']['status']!='ok' )
	 $this->_error_code = $response['api']['code'];
	 $this->_error_msg = $response['api']['message'];
 return false;
	 return $response;

 // response parsing failed.

 $this->_error_code = 0;
 $this->_error_msg = 'Could not parse the JSON response.';
 return false;

That's all folks ... for the moment! And don't forget to contact us if you want to share your own API kit!