Group: The 50 Images-Project
Projects done or ongoing
Sami Serola (inactive)
Here are the done or ongoing projects by group members. Link to author's own album given if found. ✌ = Finished, ☐ = ongoing, ☒ = abandoned (member left the group before finished the project). Please respect especially the ongoing projects when starting a new project of your own, and try to come up with an unique topic.
☐ Fork by Chrissy
✌ Hut by protox
✌ Tea bag by Gabi Lombardo
✌ Die offene Kugel by H.-Marie
✌ Red chair by Heidiho
☐ Orologio by aNNa schramm
✌ Spectacles by LotharW
✌ Blacky by Percy Schramm
✌ Egg by Ulrich John
☒ Scissors by Marie-claire Gallet
✌ Rose by FarbFormFreude
✌ Schnattchen by niraK68
☐ Stifte - Bleistifte by aNNa schramm
✌ Mobile phone by Sami Serola
✌ Manikin by Gisela Plewe
☐ Objects by Tigerulze
✌ Sam Squirrel by Jean-michel N
☐ Clothespin by Wierd Folkersma
✌ Souricette by Ghislaine
☐ Bottle by Valfal
☒ Sisters Iris by Peggy C
☐ JC by FarbFormFreude
☐ Sabu by Berny
☐ Teddy by Erika+Manfred
☐ Lego character by fragglerocks
☐ Phrenology Head by Ruebenkraut
✌ Tower hotel by Sami Serola
✌ Messeturm by Katja
☐ Spoon by Katja
✌ Bär by Katja
☐ Baum vorm Fenster by Erhard Bernstein
☐ Kerzenlicht by Erika Akire
☐ Mirror by Fragglerocks
☐ Fahrradglocken by niraK68
☐ Kreuze by Susanne Hoy
☐ Kugel by Susanne Hoy
☐ Drawbridge by Diederik Santema
☐ Himmel by FarbFormFreude
✌ Falurödfärg by Heidiho
☐ Ground Markings by Gisela Plewe
✌ Stone forms by goandgo
✌ Kaugummi - Automaten by Katja
✌ Water by goandgo
☐ Treppen by volker_hmbg
✌ Mail Boxes by Ulrich John
✌ Wood forms & Trees by goandgo
✌ Les phrases sur les murs , façades , sol by Ghislaine, Synopsis
✌ Old doors by goandgo
✌ Still life by Sami Serola
✌ black by goandgo
✌ Neues von Hotte by AD AD
☐ Seestücke - Sehstücke by Heidiho
✌ a bit of sky by goandgo
☐ Zeige by protox
✌ Neues vom roten Stuhl by Heidiho
☐ les heures by Ghislaine
☐ Le fou by neira-Dan
☐ The Way of Orange by Peter van Lom
☐ Hagebutte by fotopassion
☐ Balkone by trester88
☐ La graine by ROL/Photo
☐ Insecte by Jocelyne Villoing
☐ Birne by AD AD
☐ Lack-Spiegel by volker_hmbg
☐ Coffee by Sami Serola
☐ l'Aluminium by neira-Dan
✌ ABCdaire by Ghislaine
☐ Hamburger Brücken by volker_hmbg
✌ ballon rouge by Jean-michel N
☐ From my window by Jean
☐ Lanternen by trester88
☐ le Pollen by Jocelyne Villoing
☐ Fenster by trester88
☐ Spiegelungen by trester88
✌ maple leaf by Jean-michel N
☐ Knulp by Karl Hartwig Schütz
✌ l'orme by Jean-michel N
☐ pareidolia by Sami Serola
☐ Berliner Friedhöfe by Heidiho
☐ hôtel du nord by Ghislaine
☐ Grenzsteine und Wegzeichen by Ulrich John
☐ grande aigrette by Jean-michel N
Please comment if something is missing or incorrect.
☐ Fork by Chrissy
✌ Hut by protox
✌ Tea bag by Gabi Lombardo
✌ Die offene Kugel by H.-Marie
✌ Red chair by Heidiho
☐ Orologio by aNNa schramm
✌ Spectacles by LotharW
✌ Blacky by Percy Schramm
✌ Egg by Ulrich John
☒ Scissors by Marie-claire Gallet
✌ Rose by FarbFormFreude
✌ Schnattchen by niraK68
☐ Stifte - Bleistifte by aNNa schramm
✌ Mobile phone by Sami Serola
✌ Manikin by Gisela Plewe
☐ Objects by Tigerulze
✌ Sam Squirrel by Jean-michel N
☐ Clothespin by Wierd Folkersma
✌ Souricette by Ghislaine
☐ Bottle by Valfal
☒ Sisters Iris by Peggy C
☐ JC by FarbFormFreude
☐ Sabu by Berny
☐ Teddy by Erika+Manfred
☐ Lego character by fragglerocks
☐ Phrenology Head by Ruebenkraut
✌ Tower hotel by Sami Serola
✌ Messeturm by Katja
☐ Spoon by Katja
✌ Bär by Katja
☐ Baum vorm Fenster by Erhard Bernstein
☐ Kerzenlicht by Erika Akire
☐ Mirror by Fragglerocks
☐ Fahrradglocken by niraK68
☐ Kreuze by Susanne Hoy
☐ Kugel by Susanne Hoy
☐ Drawbridge by Diederik Santema
☐ Himmel by FarbFormFreude
✌ Falurödfärg by Heidiho
☐ Ground Markings by Gisela Plewe
✌ Stone forms by goandgo
✌ Kaugummi - Automaten by Katja
✌ Water by goandgo
☐ Treppen by volker_hmbg
✌ Mail Boxes by Ulrich John
✌ Wood forms & Trees by goandgo
✌ Les phrases sur les murs , façades , sol by Ghislaine, Synopsis
✌ Old doors by goandgo
✌ Still life by Sami Serola
✌ black by goandgo
✌ Neues von Hotte by AD AD
☐ Seestücke - Sehstücke by Heidiho
✌ a bit of sky by goandgo
☐ Zeige by protox
✌ Neues vom roten Stuhl by Heidiho
☐ les heures by Ghislaine
☐ Le fou by neira-Dan
☐ The Way of Orange by Peter van Lom
☐ Hagebutte by fotopassion
☐ Balkone by trester88
☐ La graine by ROL/Photo
☐ Insecte by Jocelyne Villoing
☐ Birne by AD AD
☐ Lack-Spiegel by volker_hmbg
☐ Coffee by Sami Serola
☐ l'Aluminium by neira-Dan
✌ ABCdaire by Ghislaine
☐ Hamburger Brücken by volker_hmbg
✌ ballon rouge by Jean-michel N
☐ From my window by Jean
☐ Lanternen by trester88
☐ le Pollen by Jocelyne Villoing
☐ Fenster by trester88
☐ Spiegelungen by trester88
✌ maple leaf by Jean-michel N
☐ Knulp by Karl Hartwig Schütz
✌ l'orme by Jean-michel N
☐ pareidolia by Sami Serola
☐ Berliner Friedhöfe by Heidiho
☐ hôtel du nord by Ghislaine
☐ Grenzsteine und Wegzeichen by Ulrich John
☐ grande aigrette by Jean-michel N
Please comment if something is missing or incorrect.
The topic of this discussion has been edited by Sami Serola (inactive) 20 months ago.
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(it's a play with words: Stücke=pieces, See= the sea, Sehen= to see, watch)
... see my new album:
... my project "falunred" I will continue. Just I reached 20/50.
Sami Serola (inactiv… club has replied to Heidiho clubSuccess with the new project!
Heidiho club has replied to Sami Serola (inactiv…
✦ Les phrases sur les murs , façades , sol by Ghislaine
Sami Serola (inactiv… club has replied to Ghislaine clubSami Serola (inactiv… clubI see you now administer the group, Sami; I'm so glad as I didn't want to see the group come to an end! Now to finish my project! :-))
Sami Serola (inactiv… club has replied to Valfal clubist es Euch möglich, den Titel meines Albums in der Liste von "Horst H." in "Neues von Hotte" zu ändern? Der Link zu seinem Album lautet:
Danke für Eure Mühe!
Lieben Gruß
Sami Serola (inactiv… club has replied to AD ADArtist's wish is our command =D
Project name changed, and great to have your personal album listed there.
AD AD has replied to Sami Serola (inactiv… clubKiitos! :-)
Just I´m back from Norway, a lot of pics and ideas with me .... don`t know, where to begin my
"re-start" in IP after that break. May be, it`s good to begin with "Neues vom roten Stuhl" ... "News from the red chair" ... I know, there are 2 ongoing projects (Falurödfarg, Sehstücke/Seestücke) - both I will continue ... but I took a lot of chairs-shots in 2018 and 2019, I never published in IP. So: now !
Sami Serola (inactiv… club has replied to Heidiho clubJ'ai entamé un troisième projet .
Voir ma conversation du 7 juillet
J'en prépare également un quatrième : "un abécédaire"
Pour le français qui comporte 26 lettres , j'aurais donc 52 images
Je le commencerai quand je n'aurai plus mon attelle et que je pourrai me servir de mon APN
Tu peux désormais les ajouter à la liste .
Sami Serola (inactiv… club has replied to Ghislaine clubGhislaine club has replied to Sami Serola (inactiv… clubVoici les références de ce troisième projet.
Mon projet : photos avec le Fou du jeu d'échec paternel
Sami Serola (inactiv… club has replied to neira-Dan clubneira-Dan club has replied to Sami Serola (inactiv… clubSami Serola (inactiv… club has replied to neira-Dan clubSami Serola (inactiv… clubAD AD has replied to Sami Serola (inactiv… clubGood job! ☆
ich habe ein Projekt gestartet: Balkone
Hier ist der Link zu meinem Album:
Könntest du bitte mein Thema in die Liste aufnehmen?
Sami Serola (inactiv… club has replied to trester88 clubMerci de votre réponse, bonne journée.
Sami Serola (inactiv… club has replied to Jocelyne Villoing clubtoday I opened a new project. The title is „Birne“ and the link to the album is:
Have a nice second advent weekend!
Best wishes from
Sami Serola (inactiv… club has replied to AD ADAD AD has replied to Sami Serola (inactiv… clubThank you! :-)
Sami Serola (inactiv… club has replied to Heidiho clubJe me lance avec enthousiasme dans un 2eme projet : le thème sera : l'Aluminium
album :
Bien sûr je poursuis aussi avec mon fou
Bises amicales
Sami Serola (inactiv… club has replied to neira-Dan clubneira-Dan club has replied to Sami Serola (inactiv… clubTrès belle semaine
Samedi 29 février, je présenterai la dernière image de mon projet (34/50).
J'expliquerai en commentaire sur l'image 34 pourquoi, ce projet s'arrête.
Cet album fera l'objet d'un synopsis comme le précédent : article : l'atelier du 29 février
Je réfléchis à un autre projet, sur l'alphabet , plus particulièrement à partir d'un abécédaire, que j'avais fait réalisé par ma fille et une de ses amies , pour mon neveu.
Cet abécédaire aura pour base les 26 lettres illustrées par les 2 enfants; il y aura donc 2 x 26 publications = 52 (50+2) images.
Son titre : ABCDaire
Le lien ABCDaire
L'album qui rassemble les 4 projets : 50
Sami Serola (inactiv… club has replied to Ghislaine clubGhislaine, you can leave your project 'les heures' as open, and see if you wish to continue it later. Or let me know if you wish me to mark it as finished, with some symbol or line of text.
Looking forward to see the start of 'ABCDaire' =)
Ghislaine club has replied to Sami Serola (inactiv… clubJe considèrerai ^le projet "les heures" comme terminé (à partir de la prochaine publication 34/50 ce samedi 29 février).
Tu pourras l'indiquer comme "en attente" ou " terminé" avec une ligne de texte.
Si exceptionnellement je trouvais de nouvelles photos je les intégrerai à leur emplacement logique dans l'album.
Si j'ai besoin de revenir plus tard sur cet album dans le groupe je t'en ferai part.
Ainsi je pourrais lancer mon synopsis...dès le 29 février.
Le titre est "ABCdaire"
Le lien est :
Sami Serola (inactiv… club has replied to Ghislaine clubGhislaine club has replied to Sami Serola (inactiv… clubich habe ein neues Projekt gestartet: Laternen
Hier ist der Link zu meinem Album:
Könntest du bitte mein Thema in die Liste aufnehmen?
Sami Serola (inactiv… club has replied to trester88 clubBonne journée à vous.
Sami Serola (inactiv… club has replied to Jocelyne Villoing club"Neues vom roten Stuhl" is completed now.
Ongoing project for me is "Seestücke - Sehstücke".
But I think about starting a new project "Berliner Friedhöfe" (Berlin Graveyards) ... a perfect topic for a long dark winter-time ... ;-)
Sami Serola (inactiv… club has replied to Jean-michel N clubAnd the new l'orme added on the list. That is a very interesting one. Looking forward to see seasons change on that elm, but also small day to day changes and point of views.
Sami Serola (inactiv… clubHeidiho club has replied to Sami Serola (inactiv… club... btw: just I started my new project .... "Berliner Friedhöfe" (= "Berlin Graveyards")
Sami Serola (inactiv… club has replied to Heidiho clubAnd now adding it on the list ;-)
J'aurai bientôt achevé mon projet "ABCdaire by Ghislaine".
Je voudrai en entamer un nouveau qui concerne un "hôtel à insecte" que je suis en train de construire dans mon jardin.
Je n'ai pensé à faire des images depuis le début, mais j'aurai de quoi faire 50 photos...
Ce week-end j'ouvrirai un album avec la première photo.
Je te te ferai parvenir le lien.
Tu pourras ainsi ajouter mon cinquième projet à la liste.
Sami Serola (inactiv… club has replied to Ghislaine clubGhislaine club has replied to Sami Serola (inactiv… clubvoici le lien de" l'Hôtel à insecte" renommé "Hôtel du nord", parce que situé au sud du jardin pour être exposé au sud !
L'hôtel du nord
Sami Serola (inactiv… club has replied to Ghislaine clubGhislaine club has replied to Sami Serola (inactiv… club:)))
Sami Serola (inactiv… club has replied to Ghislaine clubMarqué comme terminé.
Ghislaine club has replied to Sami Serola (inactiv… clubJe poursuis l'hôtel du Nord, que je présenterai au fil de sa construction, des saisons et de mon imagination...
J'entame tout aussi tranquillement un sixième projet sur la technique du flatlay ...