Group: Portrait

group icon

nils ♫
11 Dec 2007 - 3 comments - 1 322 visits- Permalink   |   Translate title into English


It looks like the group icon (or avatar) is a photo of Farzana by Ed de Vlam.


and :

I don't see him at Ipernity or as member of the group.
Do we have his permission to use this photo?


Nils A.

The topic of this discussion has been edited by nils ♫ 2 years ago.

 nils ♫
nils ♫
Hi, well Merileyn seems to be gone. Deleted her / his account. I think you can see for your self very clear this icon is from this photo:

And the photo is indeed by Ed de Vlam. I guess Merileyn was not posting her // his own photos. Maybe the account is deleted because of this.
17 years ago.
 nils ♫
nils ♫
It's very okay now. Thank you for your speedy action.
We can still ask Ed if we can use the icon.
I'll put an icon in my stream, if you like it you can use it for the time being.

17 years ago. Edited 17 years ago.
 nils ♫
nils ♫
Here's my edit, the icon has to be square.
I hope Ed will approve.

portrait groupicon by ed 50x50

so, the icon is back!!
17 years ago.

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