Group: 100+ Visits groupe

Municipal Library.

Municipal Museum Pedro Nunes.

Balcony with Carnival decoration.

Corner building.

A view to west.

Typical building with glazed façades.

Right bank of River Guadiana.

River Sanguinhedo and Moinhos Bridge.

Bergeronnette des ruisseaux

Ingres - La Contesse d'Haussonville 1845

La famille

Highland Cattle Le Crotoy

Thematic Garden and Leisure Park.

Flaviense Museum (Chaves Museum).

Vila Fountain.

Totem's Owl, by Sylvain Bongard.

American flamingo.

Indian rhinoceros.

Penedo Furado - the pierced rock uphill.

Mother Church of Our Lady of Conception.

Vigo Cathedral.

Wall paintings by Hazul.

Graphonola Gilbert (Great Britain, 1927).

Soar Doorway.