Group: Rainbow Building

Suggestion to Combine Indigo with Blue! :D

Janet Brien
By A Janet Brien club
24 Aug 2013 - 8 comments - 375 visits- Permalink   |   Translate title into English

I have to laugh because every time I check the "rainbow", it's stuck at INDIGO!

What would you say about combining blue and indigo so that people have more choices for adding pictures? I would have to agree that my choices for indigo are very few, but for BLUE in general, zillions upon zillions!


Loving this group!!! SUCH FUN!

LOL, look at the last 3 indigo submissions!!! *cackle*

BTW we could always add a tertiary color like SKY BLUE or PINK or LAVENDER or LIME or ??? in place of that hard indigo.
8 comments - The latest ones
 Peggy C
Peggy C club
11 years ago.
 Janet Brien
Janet Brien club
I like the idea of light blue for blue and dark blue for indigo and any purple for violet...Peggy, I liked the link you sent too. It certainly shows what these colors look like. I think it's interesting that true indigo is so hard to find!

Anyone else have opinions?
11 years ago.
 Peggy C
Peggy C club
..only trying to help -- brain hasn't been located, so must rely on wikipedia .... oh, to have a brain ....
11 years ago.
 Janet Brien
Janet Brien club
11 years ago.
11 years ago.
I certainly struggle with indigo and violet. And I struggle with blue and green, too, because there are so many different blues and greens that I worry about what the 'correct' shade is and then end up not posting anything..... Making blue 'light blue' and indigo 'dark blue' would be a big help.

Carrot-orange, on the other hand, is a breeze!
11 years ago.
 Janet Brien
Janet Brien club
Bun, you are the CUTEST!! :D

I am glad we made this change...indigo was giving me fits! I kept worrying that I didn't have the right color! :D
11 years ago.
 Janet Brien
Janet Brien club
I would have to say that since we've altered the color scheme just a bit, it's been flying along at a fine pace! There no longer seem to be long stalls on colors! HOORAY! :)
11 years ago.

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