Group: Bilderdomino - Photo Domino

Regeln rules

By volker_hmbg club
27 Dec 2016 - 6 comments - 380 visits- Permalink   |   Translate title into English

Die Teilnahme an dieser Gruppe macht mir großen Spaß, denn nicht immer hat man eine passende Aufnahme zur Hand, das ist ja das reizvoll Knifflige dabei.

Die vorgegebenen Regeln sind m. E. klar und eindeutig formuliert, aber ganz wenige Ausnahmen zeigen, dass nicht jeder den Sinn des Spiels erfasst hat.
Also zwei eigene Fotos mit inhaltlichem Zusammenhang einzustellen ist eben nicht gefragt. Schade, wenn auf diiese Weise die Kette unterbrochen wird!
6 comments - The latest ones
volker_hmbg club
I just recognized that the team player in question (Sami) is a member of the administration, how is it possible that he did not follow the idea of the game?
8 years ago.
Sami Serola (inactiv… club has replied to volker_hmbg club
Could you please specify where things have gone wrong?

I do know administrative have no limitation on contributions at all. But I think I have submitted no more than allowed four images per each day. And always only two at the time.

Or is there something else wrong?
8 years ago.
volker_hmbg club has replied to Sami Serola (inactiv… club
Dear Sami,

as far as I understand the intention of this group it is required, that a member shall upload a picture that is compatible to that of the foregoing upload (posted by another group member) and than he is able to load a second one -but of of a toltally different sujet. Thats also the rule of the real Domino game as I know it.

So in this way the chain will be continued by one member after the other. The limitation to four images as a maximum is not the problem I talked about.

Please let me know in case my explanation is not as clear as it should be.

With best wishes from Hamburg

8 years ago. Edited 8 years ago.
volker_hmbg club
Hello Sami

just made a second look to the pictures in question, and found that i was possibly wrong and did not see the fine difference of the contents of two of your photos. It concerns the pictures with plastic toys:

and also I did not get the sense of your photo of Finlands independence day, compared to the photo of a Lady in red clothes. So its a big misunderstanding, of course I recognized all your other postings which are corresponding very well to the groups idea -sorry for that irritation.

8 years ago. Edited 8 years ago.
Sami Serola (inactiv… club has replied to volker_hmbg club
Thank you very much for your feedback, Volker =)

It is definitely better to point out any questions regarding group rules than wonder.

What comes to "plastic toys" case, I say it is not forbidden to continue some theme. Also on actual Domino came there are pairs like 2-2, 3-3 etc.

The "national celebration & flag" case was an intentional "wordplay" from me. I first thought I have no picture to reply on very colorful 'Festival Népalais' picture by J Pierre, but then I realized I indeed have just a perfect picture for it. Our independence day festive in Finland is maybe not as colorful and jolly as it maybe is in Nepal, but celebration it still is =D

I personally think the most important features of this game are:

1) To have fun together with others by finding even most extreme associations.

2) Give new chance for old uploaded photos, which otherwise would be all forgotten. But of course new uploads are also welcome.

3) Communicate with the most international language there is: images! =D

4) Become inspired by something totally unexpected.

So, no harm done, and feedback is always welcome =) I sincerely hope we can continue this wonderful game even after January.
8 years ago. Edited 8 years ago.
volker_hmbg club
I completely agree with you,

all the items you mentioned for me also are the reason for enjoying this game.

Best wishes from Hamburg

8 years ago.

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