Remains of upper basilical building.

Upper basilical building.

Remains of basilical building.

Medina Azahara - a view to east.

Arab ruins of Medina Azahara.

Italy - Aosta

Power of the roots.

Périllos village abandonné (FR 66). + 5 PIP

Coast and Castle

Cette façade délabrée attire le regard de celui qu…

Feenteiche im Büsenbachtal

Mértola, Além Rio, unHCrumblingWW

Tumbling Down

Ruine de Mansourah a Tlemcen.

3 colonne.

Ruins of the church facade.


Nature is taking over.

Una gita fuori porta.

Yarizin offbeat truck / Art camionné.

Remains of Roman aqueduct.

Valon , commune de La Croix-Barrez (12) 21 mai 20…

Roman cryptoportico.