Group: 100+ Visits groupe

Ducks on River Sanguinhedo.

Exhibition of theatre puppets.

A view to the castle.

Guadiana watermills.

Church of Holy Mary of Incarnation.

Architectural details.

Royal Garden.

Templars Shop.

Old chessboard.

Camilo Castelo Branco Foundation.

Sculpture on roundabout.

Shrew, by Bordalo II.

History of an Extinction - 7.

Chapel of the Lord of the Souls.

Pillory and castle.

Bread from the Alentejo.

Weir on River Sanguinhedo.

Mother Church of Saint James.

River Sanguinhedo.

Street art on façade.

Cascade of the Pools.

Quiosque da Relva (Grass Kiosk).

Cuttlefish mural.

Street art.

Street art.

Church of Saint Mary Magdalene.