Group: 200-300 Views

Magma tunnels.

Fontinha (little fountain) - 1844.

Holy Mary Church (13th/14th centuries).

Tiles panel.

Electric locomotive (1926).

Steam locomotive of the royal train (1862).

Empty nest.

Dog calcined during Vesuvius eruption.


Poster on wall.

Roman Amphitheatre.

Church of Mercy.

Warping mural.

City Hall.

Church of Saint Andrew outside walls.

Orellana Palace (16th century).

Local Farm

Hilly Country.

Rural Scene

Valley, Rocks And Hills.

Indian Scout Bobber Jack Daniel's 2021.

Former Saint Anthony Convent.

History of an Extinction - 6.

Canyon and mountains.

Wall painting.

Street art on electricity box.

Mural creating the illusion of tiles.