Group: Two (or more) of a Kind (Animals Only)

Calves and Chickens.

Le bisou

Père Noël


C'est l'heure de l'apéritif

renard colérique


2^1 Schlieferbabys (Tropenaquarium Hagenbeck)


DSN 8660(a)(1)R

Löwenbank am Dom in Braunschweig

Cows At The Water Trouphs.

et de trois...

Pups In Porch Wanting In

A Mass Of Ducks.

Ewe and Lamb

Roos and fence

Goldschatz-Suche... ©UdoSm

Hummel am Lavendel... ©UdoSm

Ces chèvres entretiennent un passé glorieux


Snails fallen in love... ©UdoSm

Tigres de Sumatra

Tigres de Sumatra

Tigres de Sumatra

Manchots par 2

Grüner Leguan (Iguana iguana). ©UdoSm

Occasionally you will meet some donkeys... ©UdoSm