Group: Nature Lovers

Penedos, Daybreak of a very hot day.

Água Formosa

Dans un jardin bio

Starting To Rust.

S. Bartolomeu da Via Gloria, Baixo Alentejo

Penedos, Morning in Thirsty Land

Muscat de Rivesaltes

Moinho do Alferes, Ribeira do Vascão

Nerium oleander, Moinho do Alferes, Ribeira do Vas…

portulaca grandiflora

DSN 8613(a)(1)R

Im Feengarten


Sunrising on Thirsty Land

Thirsty Land Poetry


Dans un jardin bio

DSN 8423(1)(a)(1)R


Bright Leaves.


Boys Having Fun

dreaming the rain

Raindrops On A Rose