Group: Art is Art

Salts cistern Seaford 11 1 2024

Don't cry my latest sin



Jamais personne ne voudra me croire , mais c'est u…

Lamassu of Nineveh - a date with history - outside…

Far far away 29 12 2023



Summer effects c

Joyeux Noël à tous ceux qui passeront par ici

Joyeux Anniversaire mon cher Roland

Que cette journée te soit douce entouré par tous c…

Bon anniversaire mon Angélique

Farinelli: laschia ch'io pianga

Battersea Power Station - artefacts and artwork -…

Jesse Darling Grandad III & Epistemologies - Turne…

Jesse Darling's Embarrassed Billboard 2 - Turner P…

Barbara Walker - Burden of Proof - Glenda Caesar -…

Barbara Walker - Burden of Proof - portrait wall -…

Ghislaine Leung's - Turner prize exhibition - coll…

'Captivated by colour' by Camille Walala - Canary…

Jesse Darling's installation - Turner Prize - Town…

Dance Diagonal by Lothar Götz - SW vertical - Town…

Lamassu of Nineveh - two sides - outside the Towne…