Group: Trails

Under Cool Trees,

Down the walled path

In The Trees.

Ein Winter, wie er einmal war - A winter as it use…

John Muir Woods Path


Récolte du tilleul à l'ancienne ( moderne en note…

Automne dans le chemin..............avec note


Einsamkeit pur - Pure solitude

Birch / American oak Alley...

Walking in the Autumn Wood....

Descent From Scheffauer

Motoring Through Hamilton

H.A.N.W.E. - in Griesbachklamm

Just Another Corner

Opposite Dunham Park.

Tonight He Made His Last Ascent (♰ 5.10.2019)

Happy Fence-Free Friday

Safe Bridge

But Possible Anyway

Brixener Hütte (Note) + (1 PicinPic)


H.F.F. - With Broken Fence

Path through the Park

Shadows On The Road.