Group: Benches of the World

waiting for spring and children

... am Marktplatz

Old abandoned house Saffron Walden

Eiskalt besetzt - HBM

Je l'aime tant, le temps qui reste...

75 60 762

Clearing later!

Frans Raps fietstocht Thull 2006

Mein Rastplatz an der Lagerfeuerstelle :)) My res…

Sit down and enjoy the view.

La panca sotto le scale.

A Solomeo. HBM

Zipfelmontag! HBM



Happy Bench Monday!

Un banc avec une belle vue

Chapel of Our Lady of Pity.

Ayamonte, HFF

Dumbarton Quay Flooded

Dumbarton Quay Flooded

The bench by the lake - HBM

Licht und Schatten

Plage de Panne en belgique HBM