Group: Memorials / Cofebion / Monumentoj

SBB[24]/coast{7/8} - monument

111 [n/cle] - Boer War memorial

John Batchelor's memorial Holy Cross Churchyard, U…

War Memorial, Basingstoke, 2023

The Menin Gate Memorial Ypres 2003

The Menin Gate Memorial West Ypres 2003

The Menin Gate Memorial East Ypres 2003

The village war memorial Wilmington Church 15 9 20…

The three services - Hastings World Wars Memorial…

Hastings World Wars Memorial The winged figure of…

Hastings World Wars Memorial 12 8 2023

Hastings World Wars Memorial - WW1 fallen named &…

InMem - Lest We Forget ... [Explored]

Saint Saviour's Parish War Memorial naval warfare…

War graves St Julian's church Kingston Buci aka So…

IoM[3] - Kewley Memorial

IoM[3] - Douglas War Memorial

The Victoria Memorial, Newport Isle of Wight, 13 9…

twb[23] - Fiddler's Green {2 0f 3}

Monument to Buçaco Battle.

Frontline Britain 1939-1945 Dover 7 5 2022

Eastbourne Town War Memorial

2nd Royal Sussex Regiment 1882 to 1902 Memorial -…

Royal Artillery Monument WW1 - Hyde Park Corner -…

Animals in War - collage 1 - Park Lane - London

Saint Saviour's Parish War Memorial - in the Borou…

St Mary's Battle The Browne tomb 5 6 2018