Group: Old Studio Photos

A Carload of Sailors

Flying High over Yarmouth

Halloween Party Prisoners

Sally Luicty or Emily Stokes

Man and Woman in Swimsuits, Atlantic City, New Jer…

Can't Put It Down!

Hazel and Lula

Women Posing with a Paper Moon

Studio Tintype Bike Portrait

The Siblings

Coney Island Flight Memory

First Communion With Rosary

Happy Baby with Serious Sisters

Belated "Strange, Unexplainable Gestures".

Considering Things

The Eyes Have It.

Wreath Veil, Bobbed Hair

First Communion with Gold Touches

First Communion c.1960

Corkscrew Curls and a Precious Book

Rutland, Vermont Child

Large Family Portrait, Findlay, Ohio

Four Couples in a Car, 1942

Striking Young Man

Two Bows and a Necklace