Group: Nature

North Cliffs from the path to Fishing Cove

High Tide, North Cliffs, Corwall.

Torre de Valdemanco. H. A. N. W. E. everyone!

Newdown's Head

Basset Cove from Crane Islands at low tide.

Ponies on Treaga Hill

Sierra de La Pedriza

More coastal erosion near Porthtowan.

Bat-friendly capped mineshafts.

Iberian* Lavender - best viewed large. Spring revi…

Orchid (Anacamptis picta). Spring revisited no 6.…

Winter. Algete, Madrid. Many thanks to the IMA tea…

Spring revisited no 5. Poppy field, Algete

Spring revisited no 4. Catkins, Valdemorillo, Mad…

Spring revisited no 2. Cantueso, Sierra de La Cabr…

H. A. N. W. E. everyone! Spring re-visited no 1. L…

Mountain goats / ibex.

St Agnes' Head from Tubby's Head

Sierra de La Cabrera, El Cancho Largo.

Granite. Sierra de La Cabrera

Goats. Valle de Ambroz. HFF!

St Agnes' Head, Cornwall

HFF everyone!! H.A.N.W.E. as well!! Pleased to hav…

Cornish granite

Basset Cove and Porthcadjack from Crane Castle, be…

Granite. Behind Cancho Largo