Group: National Geographic

Malcolmia littorea under the boardwalk

6 4 12

Monte Gordo, Boardwalk revival

Cakile maritima, Searocket

Mémorial Canadien de Vimy (62)


Monte Gordo beach, rain coming !

Massai Giraffe

HFF et agréable fin de semaine Paisible.

Prunus dulcis, Almond tree bloom.

9 6 19

Penedos, Not for next Halloween !

250307 Montreux panorama IR

With Almond tree blooms, HFF IS NOW CLOSED, SEE YO…

HFF to all!

HFF ~ A view from Linz

Asphodelus ramosus HFF

Geparden im Samburu National Reserve

Ornans (25) 12 octobre 2010.


HWW ~ Yorkshire walls

Fumaria officinalis, Penedos, HWW

Carnaval au Cap Vert**************


Cistus Ladanifer, Penedos

Cistus ladanifer for Andy

Marseille jardin du Pharo. Missak (dit Michel) Man…