Group: Ipernity Homepage - Image Proposals

Instructions for Finalising (internal)

By A Team club
01 Mar 2018 - 650 visits- Permalink   |   Translate title into English

1 Finalising of Pictures (with Photoshop)

1.1 Check the proposal at first sight whether it fits to the Layout Guidelines
1.2 Check technical properties (1600x900px, sufficient quality)
1.3 Download file (Not possible? Ask the photographer.)
1.4 Remove EXIF and IPTC data (Exif Tag Remover 2.0)
1.5 Open the Template for Homepage Pictures with Photoshop
1.6 Open picture with Photoshop
1.7 Reduce size of picture to 1220x686px by use of "Bildgröße"/"bikubisch schärfer"
1.8 Duplicate picture to "Startpic Optimizing Tool"
1.9 Check resulting startpic composition (picture + ipernity advertising slogan)
1.10 If it fits: continue with 1.12
1.11 Otherwise return to 1.7 and rebuild the 1600x900 resolution. Make an appropriate cutout and follow the further instructions again. Within this loop appropriate individual adjustments of colour, contrast, noise, etc. are possible as well as selective distorsions, if helpful to get best result
1.12 If necessary, sharpen the main motiv a little bit: Make a duplicate layer (strg+i), filter ist with "hochpass 1,5px", convert it to "black&white"
1.13 Reduce the sharpened area to the necessary parts of the picture only by masking technique
1.14 Combine picture layer & sharpening layer
1.15 Copy the result into a new file = finalised picture
1.16 Open "Dateiinformationen" and insert:
- Document title #xxxx
- Author (= photographers name or synomym at ipernity)
- Original title of the picture (copy&paste)
- Ranking ( * * * )
- Seasonal tags (only the appropriate ones from the following lists):
- main tags: spring; summer; autumn; winter;
- secondary tags: newyear; carnival; easter; halloween; christmas;
- Copyright status: protected
- Copyright info URL: (= photographers ipernity account)
1.17 OK
1.18 Click "Save as" and set a check mark at "ICC profile sRGB"
1.19 Save file as #xxxx.jpg (Highest quality level = 12)
1.20 Go back to the multi layer proof version
1.17 Suppress the layer with the red square
1.18 Reduce all layers to a single one
1.19 Save file as #xxxx_proof.jpg (Highest quality level = 12)
1.25 Close file

The topic of this discussion has been edited by Team 15 months ago.

This discussion has been closed by Team.