Group: " - A - Very Ipernity Photos - "

Lunch Break,

Escalier botanique / Botanical staircase


HFF to all!!

Spires and Turbines.

Onda contro-vento

Ambiance salée de soir / Salted evening

Three Lochs in the Mist!

autumn composition

Mirador los vientos

Hofner Bass guitar

Angélique / Une jeune fille essayant des belles ch…

Autumn fruits

Fence down the Middle

Autumn Fly Fishing,

metal trash

Le nuvole protagoniste dello spettacolo : luce div…

Les rayons de la liberté / Liberty sunrays in the…

Mareggiata alla Motonautica di Corso Italia

craving for ice cream

Tribute to Valencia

Clôture et architecture variée / Fence with miscel…