Expolingua, Berlin

Halloween in Berlin

Halloween Window Display, State College, Pa.

Herbst in Berlin

Herbst in Berlin

Herbst in Berlin

Herbst in Prag

Tančící dům

Un petit dépaysement en attendant.

Easter fare at the family gathering

Flashy Easter Baskets

Punxsutawney Phil Chocolates for Groundhog Day, Fe…

Christmas roses

Christmas beetles

Christmas Morning—Saying Grace, 1901

Santa Claus in Athens, Greece, December 30, 1961

Two Santa Clauses in Naples, Italy, January 1, 196…

Christmas Candle Kissing Apple

Christmas down under

Santa's Up on the Housetop!

A Thanksgiving Wish—A Harvest without Measure

Wishing You a Happy Thanksgiving

Best Wishes for a Happy Thanksgiving