Otocyon (Otocyon megalotis, famille des Canidés),…

have a good morning and a happy new week!

the shadow of a smile...

lapusneanu street 3

let me give you a goodnight kiss !

He is behind me, isn t it?! Il est derriere moi, n…

best friends: Beast and Prince are inseparables

it's raining again!

Basic instinct III, featuring Lulu

HFF and a happy weekend to all!

surviver 2

surviver 1

Coréennes de Busan en balade, Etang de Wolji (Coré…

Ecoliers en visite, Korean Folk Village, Suwon (Co…

Au Korean Folk village, Suwon (Corée du Sud)

trapped in life

Mais regarde tout ce qu'on peut voir...

Toute une vie )))***

Miss Kalanchoe ~

Héron goliath = Ardea goliath, Parc des Oiseaux, V…

Tavira (Portugal)

Olhao (Portugal)

A Bhaktapur (Népal)