Group: Food and Beverages

The bananas of Glamourville

Kitchen still life

Palermo - Bisso Bistro

Palermo - Bisso Bistro

cocktail glacé

Pilz-Essen (PIP)

Eggstremely Hot!

Juiciest fruits

... köstlich ... auf der Alm

A hint of tang

Chrome canteloupe


Rocotos in oil

Nut-filled rocotos and potato gratin

Quelques bouchées de bonheur

Bovist gebraten (PiP)

Bovist (PiP)

Wilder Kümmel

Power Bread

There's something wrong with my bonsai tree

... wilde süße Früchtchen ...

Pancake For Lunch.

Eispizza. ©UdoSm

Something to cool down... ©UdoSm