zirbau's documents

Lojban Sample Sentences 1199

40 visits
This document lists various Lojban sample sentences, possibly as a learning aid or reference.


27 visits
Vling is a constructed language with an ambiance of a tonal East Asian language.

Viku - An Art Language

28 visits
Viku is a constructed language, blending primitivism and modernism, with the ambiance of Polynesian and Japanese languages.


33 visits
The document is a Tagalog blog, maybe as a teaching aid.

Romulan Ale

29 visits
The document is a Tagalog blog, maybe as a teaching aid.


38 visits
Multilingual Blog in Lojban, Tagalog, Esperanto, and English


26 visits
The document is a Tagalog blog, maybe as a teaching aid.

Altair IV

34 visits
The document is a Tagalog blog, maybe as a teaching aid.

Sabík Na

48 visits
This blogging document is multilingual, including Esperanto, Chabacano, Tagalog, Interlingua, and Lojban. It is an experiment in multilingual blogging. The duration is about a month.


166 visits


179 visits

68 docs in total