Kees' photos
Chencho in Groningen
The hotel was far too luxurious to allow Chencho using the sofa, but we couldn’t do anything to prevent it. Even the perpetrator seems to be aware of how questionable his behavior is.
Picquoteaday #66
This roofed market place, in the old town of Deventer, is inscribed: “Fide sed cui vide”, which can be translated as “Be trustful, but watch out whom you trust”. It could be Chencho’s motto...
Chencho in Oostknollendam
Chencho at our home base in Holland. He didn’t know yet what would lie ahead of him: a grand tour throughout the country, hotels, restaurants, terraces, ... people.
He did much better than we had anticipated –in fact, he did remarkably well. Though he still isn’t at ease in a crowd and occasionally panicks, all things vacation appear to be possible (if dogs are allowed at all, and if they aren’t, we’re not interested ourselves).
Crazy Insect
Big body, small wings. This can’t be right. If it’s a butterfly, it’s one I’ve never seen before (which probably tells more about me than about the butterfly). Would it be unreasonable to ask if it would sit still for a moment?
Happy Camper
In spite of the heat wave, Chencho is doing remarkably well. It must be his Spanish genes...
A beautiful Saturday in July
Bad weather won’t keep us from walking Chencho, but naturally, we rather have it like this.
I suppose there are many ways to seduce some one, but I don’t think there are more effective ways...
Being occupied with more important things, Chencho wasn’t pleased with my meddling.
Architecture +
I happened to be testing the HDR feature of my camera, and inadvertently created some kind of a picture puzzle: find the dog on this photo. I only discovered him after uploading it. I guess this is what photographers call “foreground interest’. ;-)
After the rain
For the first time in what seemed to be a very long period we had a day of glorious weather. We left the front door open, and Chencho could get in and out as often as he liked.
After all is said and done
The conspicuous socks are filled by our daughter...
My wife returned with her and Chencho from yet another trip to the Netherlands. I couldn’t accompany her this time, and was chencholess for a week.
If that was all I got...
After his meal
Obligatory Reading 2
Could this be a representation of Chencho? I’m not sure, but undoubtably the book is obligatory reading! ;-)
Up close and personal
A rare picture in this series, as it shows some of the photographer himself, reflected by the window pane.
The camera is in makro mode, and very close to its motif: no wonder Chencho is a bit shy. Also the dude is blocking his view.